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I hear the Father saying: Know that I Am with you My child, as you enter into a time of plenty, where the beauty of My bounty will be made known to you, putting you on display for the goodness of My love and mercy, and the grandness of My greatness, which is made known in you. Guard your heart from the enemy of your soul, who has lied to you, telling you that you have "missed it," and have not entered into the place of victory, to see My promises manifest in your life. For I Am the Lord God, Who heals you and delivers you, in your darkest hour, in your greatest trial, bringing you grace upon grace, strength upon strength, and favor upon favor, where you will be lifted high upon your Land, like a jewel in My crown as an ensign, and a City on a Hill that cannot be hidden. This is the time for the arising of My favored Ones, whom I have loved, and brought into the richness of the faith, having their friendship tested, where the purity of their heart will be made known to the many, as I prosper them in life and in health! For the prosperity of the soul, which has occurred in you My child, is for the building of My Kingdom, where many will come out of darkness and into My marvelous Light, revealing the nature of My Kingdom, and the goodness of My Name! Know that I Am doing a mighty work, which you cannot see but will be made known to you shortly, as you see the victory I have wrought for your children, your family, your loved ones, and those around you, giving you My eyes and heart to see and to know them. My Wisdom will bring you into My Counsel and My blessings, as you have My Understanding of what is going on in your life, around you, and in this present age, to reach the ones I have for you to share My love with, showing them the Light of the Gospel of Christ. Be not weary in well doing but know that I love you and will reveal each step along the way, as you step out in faith, taking risks, leaning upon Me, as I direct each and every step. You will receive great favor, as My mercy and truth are bound to your neck, opening doors that no man can shut. Amen and Amen! God bless! Robin Kirby-Gatto
I hear the Father saying: Be patient My child, knowing that I Am doing a perfect work within you, perfecting your faith. I hear your earnest plea, and have not left you nor forsaken you, for I Am with you. I have been with you through your trials in Wisdom and in strength, giving you all sufficiency to bear up in your tribulation, knowing that your needs are being made known. My Word is dividing between your intents and your motives, as I weaken the voice of the stranger that has lied to you, removing the reproach of the enemy from your soul, causing you to be faithful to Me and My Word, so that you will produce fruits of righteousness that will bear abundance of life. I Am working all things to your good although your unable to see it immediately. Patience is a virtue and all things take time, as I do a deep work within your heart and mind, to bring healing, deliverance and freedom to the uttermost, knowing that I Am a rewarder of those who diligently seek Me, in earnestness and in truth, as one who is meek. As I work within your heart and mind, prospering your thoughts and causing you to take every thought captive, I will hear that which you have need of from your very intentions spoken within your soul, and I will answer you before you even speak it! I have not loosed My grip off of you nor your children, and Am bringing you a sure victory, knowing that if I Am for you then who can be against you. Do not take vengeance My child, for vengeance is the Lord's. Simply remain in my rest, knowing that a great and mighty work is taking root, as I cause your healing to spring forth like the noon-day sun, where you know the King of Glory, the Lord strong and mighty for battle!!! Glory to God!!!! Amen and Amen!!!! God bless! Robin Kirby-Gatto
Man oh Man, God showed me the intense deception of the Hebrew roots movement that is so in a ditch, which I almost got into years ago when beginning to teach Ancient Hebrew. So much legalism and everyone only wanting to use the Hebrew name for God and Jesus, which I have used on occasion. But Glory to God, now I know why I am so irritated with it because they only call Jesus Messiah!!!!! HE IS MESSIAH!!!!!!! But the title name that devils are afraid of and that title which is above all titles is: THE SON OF GOD!!!!!!!!!! THE SON OF GOD!!!!!!! THE SON OF GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It makes so much sense why I get irritated with it and moreover the fact that they are using the condensed name of Jesus in Hebrew not the original context name. What really is irritating is when they act as though they are more holier than you because they speak in those terms. Thank goodness not everyone is like this. But I am telling you people there are MANY that I have seen in this ditch and when Jesus asked His disciples Who He was, Peter did not respond Jesus the Messiah, again HE IS MESSIAH!!!! Peter responded with the title Name that God gave Him, saying YOU ARE CHRIST, indicating the Anointed One, THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELLO: THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD!!!!!! THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD!!!!! THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD!!!! This is what Jesus proclaimed to Peter was not revealed to him by flesh and blood but REVEALED TO PETER BY HOLY SPIRIT!!!!! DO YOU HEAR THIS!!!!!! THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Again, I love Hebrew and teach it in depth and use the Hebrew terms for Jesus, God and Holy Spirit at times. But understand satan is conniving and wants to deceive you where there is any pride. Some people's natural gifting and bend is to speak the Hebrew names and that is GREAT!!!! But my concern is for those who are deceived and fall in this ditch and the reason I can say it is because I WAS THERE!!!! Been there, done that got the T-shirt and let me tell you there is a lot of pride in it. Thank God that He chastised me. I get into many pages about the Title Name of Jesus in my new book Rev 22:2 and understand why the devil perverts this among believers! Listen when the Jews are Jealous of us because they know Jesus is Messiah, they WILL call Him SON OF THE LIVING GOD!!!!!!! God bless! Robin Kirby-Gatto ************************************ 15 He said to them, But who do you [yourselves] say that I am? 16 Simon Peter replied, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God. 17 Then Jesus answered him, Blessed (happy, fortunate, and to be envied) are you, Simon Bar-Jonah. For flesh and blood [men] have not revealed this to you, but My Father Who is in heaven. 18 And I tell you, you are Peter [Greek, Petros—a large piece of rock], and on this rock [Greek, petra—a huge rock like Gibraltar] I will build My church, and the gates of Hades (the powers of the infernal region) shall not overpower it [or be strong to its detriment or hold out against it]. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind (declare to be improper and unlawful) on earth must be what is already bound in heaven; and whatever you loose (declare lawful) on earth must be what is already loosed in heaven. Matthew 16:15-19 AMPC

Copyright 2011, Robin Kirby Gatto