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I hear the Father saying: Be patient My child, knowing that I Am doing a perfect work within you, perfecting your faith. I hear your earnest plea, and have not left you nor forsaken you, for I Am with you. I have been with you through your trials in Wisdom and in strength, giving you all sufficiency to bear up in your tribulation, knowing that your needs are being made known. My Word is dividing between your intents and your motives, as I weaken the voice of the stranger that has lied to you, removing the reproach of the enemy from your soul, causing you to be faithful to Me and My Word, so that you will produce fruits of righteousness that will bear abundance of life. I Am working all things to your good although your unable to see it immediately. Patience is a virtue and all things take time, as I do a deep work within your heart and mind, to bring healing, deliverance and freedom to the uttermost, knowing that I Am a rewarder of those who diligently seek Me, in earnestness and in truth, as one who is meek. As I work within your heart and mind, prospering your thoughts and causing you to take every thought captive, I will hear that which you have need of from your very intentions spoken within your soul, and I will answer you before you even speak it! I have not loosed My grip off of you nor your children, and Am bringing you a sure victory, knowing that if I Am for you then who can be against you. Do not take vengeance My child, for vengeance is the Lord's. Simply remain in my rest, knowing that a great and mighty work is taking root, as I cause your healing to spring forth like the noon-day sun, where you know the King of Glory, the Lord strong and mighty for battle!!! Glory to God!!!! Amen and Amen!!!! God bless! Robin Kirby-Gatto

Copyright 2011, Robin Kirby Gatto