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I declare you are a formidable voice of truth, with the Sword of the Spirit, cutting the cords of the enemy, using the Keys of the Kingdom to bind and to loose! In Jesus Name! I declare the Word of God is in your mouth, leading you to a place of victory and overcoming, knowing that God's Word is greater than any trial you are facing or any test you find yourself, as you are purified by the Word of Truth seven times over, where the power of God's sanctification is seen like a brilliant light over you, a beacon, as you are a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden!!! GLORY TO GOD!!!! I declare you are strengthened by the Spirit of God's Mighty in your inner man, in the Love of Christ Jesus, and that God drives out all fear, giving you power, love and a sound mind, where you are not timid or anxious, but in the peace of God you make your supplications known to Him!!! In Jesus Name! I declare God's Holy Spirit is poured out on you from the Father, as you have dreams and visions, knowing the truth to what He has called you, as a warrior of the Cross, knowing the power of Jesus' resurrection, as you are seated with Him in heavenly places, abounding in the good works of truth that causes you to be salt and light in the earth, giving the strength of the Father's love to many!! In Jesus Name! I declare your sons and daughters will come from afar leaning upon their Beloved Savior, as they come up out of the wilderness, blossoming, like the rose of sharon, where they have received power from on high, as all yokes of oppression are destroyed!!! In Jesus Name!!!! GOD BLESS! Robin Kirby-Gatto

Copyright 2011, Robin Kirby Gatto