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I hear the Father Saying: I Am with thee My child, providing comfort and grace in your time of need, as I cause you to walk circumspectly in this life, working out your salvation in fear and in trembling, knowing the power of My Name, as I reveal the virtue of My Son, where I will cause you to abound in great grace, in the signs that follow a believer. I Am breaking the box that "time" has put over you, limiting the gift which you have been given, as I expose the tactics of the enemy, distracting you from what I have called you to do, which has caused you to be weary in well doing. I Am revealing the tactics of satan, where he has accused you night and day, and I tell you My child, I will strengthen you on the wings of eagles and I will cause your eye to be single, as you are focused on picking up your cross and following Christ!! Do not let the voice of the enemy's lies of discouragement settle in your heart, but be firm and confident in the faith to what I have called you. I will strengthen your inner man with My mighty power, giving you a greater grace and endurance, where all things working to your good will be revealed before your eyes, giving you abundant joy and triumph!!! I Am the God of more than enough, bringing favor and strength in your time of need, giving you the direction in which you are to go, as you enter into the time of harvest, into the time of blessing, the Land of the Living!!! I will bless you My child, giving you great rewards in this hour, where your gift will make room for you as you enter through a new door. You are in the time of enlargement and blessing, where My hand is upon you, and I will cause you to see the turning point season where you have been brought, as I work all things to your good, giving you favor upon favor and gift heaped upon gift, where My Light will shine brightly within your soul. God bless! Robin Kirby-Gatto
I hear the Father saying: Open your mouth and rejoice My child, for I Am soon to bring you victory, in the very trials you have endured, as you have kept My Word and know that I Am a God of Promise. I Am bringing your triumph in your present situation, as you look to Me and know that I Am coming swiftly to My people in Fire and in Grace, giving them power and truth to know the Kingdom of Heaven, My Kingdom, which shall richly be within their hearts, causing My people to draw nearer to Me, seeing their soon coming reward! I Am a God Who rewards those who diligently seek Me, and I tell you My child, as you have sought My face, I am rewarding you with a righteous anointing beyond what you can think or imagine, bringing you a strength from on high with a firm confidence, that you are bold in the faith, fearless in battle and ready to face the giants! I Am the God Who fights your battles and as you open your mouth, you will see the powers of darkness bow to the Name of My Son, the Name above all Names, as I put them in remembrance of where their fate lies! You will hear the demons cry out in terror, knowing that the power of My Name is made known even from the heavens, where I Am soon to bring your turnaround and your victory, giving you strength and agility in My Word as you overcome the powers of darkness, defeating them on every turn, as you tread over serpents and scorpions! You are My mighty warrior, made strong in the power of My Name, where I have set you up as a battle armament to destroy the destroyer and his dark works! You have chosen to work in the day while it is still Light and I tell you truly My child, I have made you a bright shining flame of My presence and My Love that will make known the greatness of Who I Am to all! I Am removing the filth of this present age, washing off the vanity and pride, bringing the sifting of My fire to your soul, as I refine your faith like gold, redounding to your praise, honor and glory, when My Son, Jesus Christ is revealed! This is the time for Harvest and you must guard your praise, being settled in My peace to break out into a song of triumph, as I stir you like a hive of bees buzzing with a great noise, to see the victory and harvest I have given you! I Am the God who stirs you up with My might, and causes you to be great, bringing the power of My Name and My Kingdom into your present to carry you into your tomorrow! GLORY TO GOD!!!!!!!!! Robin Kirby Gatto
I hear the Father saying: I have called you My child, and drawn you unto Myself, giving you glad tidings and good cheer, being encouraged in the strength of My hope made known through My Son, where you are hidden within. I have anointed you with the heart of My message in all you do, giving you strength to speak that which I have chosen. I have anointed your lips, giving you the beauty of My truth, as your words smell like the fragrance of frankincense and My Words from your lips drip like honey from a honeycomb. I have called you within the secret place, showing you things that are fenced in and hidden, where I have removed the veil off of your face for you to behold the beauty of My glory, the beauty of My holiness. I have called you holy, as I Am holy, giving you the grace and sufficiency to walk in the power of the sanctified life. Do not say that you are backslidden or the enemy has you in his grasp, for I have allowed you to be sifted and tried, and have come to you in order to give you a firm confidence and strength in the power of My Name and the victory of My Son! I Am the God of your tomorrows as I have been the God of your yesterday and today, closing and opening doors, closing and opening seasons, and I would tell you that you have entered a new door and a new season, where the sufficiency of My grace will be made known to you more than ever, as the harvest comes in. You have not gone this way before, and are crossing over into new territory, where I will direct you feet, showing you the doors of opportunity which I have planned for you from the beginning, where I will cause you to be like the Isaiah 54 woman, entering into her time of abundance! Know that I am moving on your behalf doing that which you cannot, making all things ready for the laborers in the field. I will provide, heal and deliver you and your household, bringing you into My promise, where there will be complete awe at the great things I have done! GLORY TO GOD!!!!!!!! GOD BLESS!!!!!! Robin Kirby Gatto

Copyright 2011, Robin Kirby Gatto