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I hear the Father saying: I Am with you My child, as you have been growing in My strength and power, much like the growing pains of a child, where the aches in the bones, speak to the strength that will be upon them in years to come. In the same nature, you are growing strong in My Spirit, as you feel the aches and pains through your many trials and tribulations that are for the testing of your faith, making it come forth as beautiful gold hidden in the mountains, that which Job looked for in the midst of great darkness, which was My Wisdom. Ask Wisdom of Me and watch Me pour upon you liberally, bringing much into fruition, as your sons and daughters prophesy, You will dream dreams, you will have visions, and you will open your mouth prophesy, of that which I will give you, as I tell you things to come. I will tell you of My many promises for your family, and pour out the grace of My prayer so that you will press into My presence, to know Me and to be known by Me, ascertaining the richness of our fellowship in the greatness of friendship. You have walked in obedience in servanthood, and have been wealthy in spiritual matters more than you can comprehend, and because of your faithfulness in seeking Me diligently, I will reward you with righteousness from the Lord God of your salvation, and a depth of friendship that you have not known. I tell My secrets to My friends. Be resolute in your decisions, not wavering back and forth in double-mindedness, as the transparency of your walk presents the greatness of Who I Am in you, so that many will see Christ in you the Hope of glory. Walk circumspectly in this hour and be equally yoked with those whom you fellowship with, for I Am releasing the oil of unity upon My people, the Body of Christ, Who are circumspect in My Wisdom, keeping the unity of the faith. Glory to God! Amen and Amen! Robin Kirby-Gatto

Copyright 2011, Robin Kirby Gatto