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Today is the Spring Equinox and there is a Super Worm Moon appearing, which won't happen again until 2038. It is the last Super Moon of 2019. We are also celebrating Purim today and tomorrow! Do you see this saints! The enemy is under our feet! Watch your enemies (the devil) fall and God raise you up!!! It is called the worm moon because it is at the time of Spring when worms appear. What is interesting is I have been thinking of all the warfare and the humility fast where God is exposing pride and delivering us from the carnal nature and strongholds, and I thought of my 3 worm notes, where the worm is the thing that leads to pride!!!! I will repost my worm notes in comments. God showed me in writing those notes, that the attack of the worm is allowed in order to reveal the worm in us!!!! Our own mouth is what is causing our defeat! God is going to bring you into a turnaround and you will be delivered in Jesus Name! I thought of how the birds eat the worms, and how Psalm 74:13-14 reveals God cutting the heads of the dragon off, representing leviathan/pride, and feeding him to the creatures in the wilderness and I could not help but think of the birds that eat the worms. The early bird gets the worm! The bird that is alert and listening, attentive, is the one that sees the enemy's defeat!!!! Be expectant and hopeful saints knowing that God is bringing you into a new season, and you are in the process where the devil, the worm, is being exposed in our life so that we walk in deliverance and will not be given over to pride!!!!! GLORY TO GOD!!!! God bless! Robin Kirby Gatto
Saints of God, stand firm on the Word and do not be moved, as God causes all things to work to your good! No matter how dark your circumstance and how bad the storm is, GOD IS GREATER! He is making a way in your present trial, where only God will receive the Glory! Your breakthrough is closer than you can think or imagine, knowing that the power of God's grace is keeping you, as you are held together by His Love, which is operating in your heart and mind, giving you a strength beyond all that is natural, as you are supplied and covered and SMEARED, GLORY TO GOD, IN THE ANOINTING!!!! IN JESUS NAME!!! God is your covering, He is your shield and your buckler, your Strong Tower, your Refuge and your REWARD!!!!! GLORY TO GOD!!!!!! He is faithful to the uttermost, bringing you and your household into the fullness of salvation and the marvelous works of His hand, as He causes you to crossover the difficult place, the hard place, the impossible place, into A BETTER LAND, THE LAND OF PROMISE!!!!! Be expectant and hopeful knowing that God is not a man that He should lie! He will do that which He has promised! God bless! Robin Kirby-Gatto *********************************** You are entering into new territory; you have not been this way before! God is removing the pride and vanity of the root of iniquity that has been operative within the carnal nature, warring against the Word, as God puts the axe to the root and cuts asunder the cords of the enemy with which you have wrestled!!! There is a new anointing, a fresh anointing, as God exalts your horn like a wild ox, bringing you a strength from on high, giving you Wisdom from above, causing your heart to skip like the calves coming out of the stall in spring time, as the enemy is like ashes under your feet!!! There is a new step, a new dance, a war dance of two armies as in Song of Solomon 6:13 and Micah 4:13, where God is working all things to your good, bringing you into a TURNAROUND, where you are soon to see your HARVEST!!! I smell the incense of fire, and God says that He is releasing an anointing of righteousness and holiness upon your sons and daughters, and nothing is too difficult for Him; His arm is not short that it cannot save! He is your deliverer and the lifter of your head, a present help in your time of need!!! Get read for a new season, one of victory and breakthrough as you rejoice with your mouth wide open, declaring the praises of God!!!!!! God bless! Robin Kirby-Gatto Jeremiah 32:27
I hear the Father saying, You have walked with Me, My child and seen the days of Old through My Son, Christ Jesus the Anointed One, Who has opened your eyes to My grace and power, seeing the display of My glory through My people, who are called by My Name, as I buffeted armies of satan, caused them to cross over the Red Sea, removed the army of locusts, profited their storehouses filling them with overflow, and delivering them from the hand of the evil one, as I healed them. I Am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and as I prospered them, I will prosper you, giving you abounding grace and favor in this hour, to know My truth that heals and sets free, causing My people to rejoice as in the days of harvest, where the vine is full of the grape, and the oil overflows. I Am the God of greatness and by the power of My right hand, causes you My people, to be great, as you have humbled yourselves, showing that the many among you are not mighty and strong in themselves, but by My Spirit, I bring a NEW STRENGTH to them, causing them to do great exploits. This is the year of My favor and of My Sovereign grace being made known, where I will force My laborers out into the harvest field to gather the souls of mankind into the Kingdom of My marvelous Light. You shall be a City on Hill that cannot be hidden, as the power of My covenant, like salt, is made known through you, where you are Light and Salt in the earth, in the likeness of the glory of My Son, causing you to walk in strength and power, as you see the Kingdom of Heaven come near. You shall shine like the stars and win many to righteousness, as you walk in My Wisdom, circumspectly and with prudence, knowing that I have qualified you in My Love! GLORY TO GOD!!!! AMEN AND AMEN!!!!!!! GOD BLESS! Robin Kirby-Gatto ***************************************************************** I pray the King of Glory, the Lord strong and Mighty in Battle makes Himself known to you as the Lord of Hosts, causing you to seek the Father in a greater measure, as you ascend the Hill of the Lord with clean hands and a pure heart, knowing that you have not lifted your heart up to an idol, nor sworn by your lips anything false, but that you have yielded to the power on high, giving you abundant grace and strength to press into the power of the Cross of Christ Jesus, where you are hidden in Him and the power of His resurrection! In Jesus Name! I pray you come to realize the message He has given you, causing you to abound and rejoice in His glory, as you come to know you are in the likeness of His truth, knowing the Ancient Pathways, that the prophets of old have traveled, giving you expectation and hope, to know the righteousness of Christ Jesus, where your faith manifests God's promises! In Jesus Name! God bless! Robin Kirby-Gatto

Copyright 2011, Robin Kirby Gatto