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I hear the Father saying: Know that I Am with you My child, as you enter into a time of plenty, where the beauty of My bounty will be made known to you, putting you on display for the goodness of My love and mercy, and the grandness of My greatness, which is made known in you. Guard your heart from the enemy of your soul, who has lied to you, telling you that you have "missed it," and have not entered into the place of victory, to see My promises manifest in your life. For I Am the Lord God, Who heals you and delivers you, in your darkest hour, in your greatest trial, bringing you grace upon grace, strength upon strength, and favor upon favor, where you will be lifted high upon your Land, like a jewel in My crown as an ensign, and a City on a Hill that cannot be hidden. This is the time for the arising of My favored Ones, whom I have loved, and brought into the richness of the faith, having their friendship tested, where the purity of their heart will be made known to the many, as I prosper them in life and in health! For the prosperity of the soul, which has occurred in you My child, is for the building of My Kingdom, where many will come out of darkness and into My marvelous Light, revealing the nature of My Kingdom, and the goodness of My Name! Know that I Am doing a mighty work, which you cannot see but will be made known to you shortly, as you see the victory I have wrought for your children, your family, your loved ones, and those around you, giving you My eyes and heart to see and to know them. My Wisdom will bring you into My Counsel and My blessings, as you have My Understanding of what is going on in your life, around you, and in this present age, to reach the ones I have for you to share My love with, showing them the Light of the Gospel of Christ. Be not weary in well doing but know that I love you and will reveal each step along the way, as you step out in faith, taking risks, leaning upon Me, as I direct each and every step. You will receive great favor, as My mercy and truth are bound to your neck, opening doors that no man can shut. Amen and Amen! God bless! Robin Kirby-Gatto

Copyright 2011, Robin Kirby Gatto