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Saints of God, the Lord has shown me how so many are stuck and unable to move forward into the call because of past condemnation and regret that the enemy has brought against the minds of God's people, keeping them in a "rebuilding" mode, trying to get back what they believe they have missed. God showed me that when we keep our eyes on things of the past, and "rebuilding" that we are in the flesh and unable to move in the Spirit because we believe we have missed an opportunity that will never come again. And God says that He has better opportunities and a New season for His people, if we would but believe and let go of maintaining our focus on the former glory! The priests and elders of Israel were unable to receive the new move of God in the building of the 2nd temple; they remembered the former glory of the 1st one. The former glory had then become a regret, where the men groaned inwardly because their heart was condemning them on what Israel had missed, and kept them blind to the NEW THING! Do not let that be your mistake, that you are so set on the former glory, that you cannot receive the NEW GLORY! When you know you are a son or a daughter of God, there is no regret, only walking in the Spirit! Selah! God bless! Robin Kirby Gatto

Copyright 2011, Robin Kirby Gatto