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Today is the Spring Equinox and there is a Super Worm Moon appearing, which won't happen again until 2038. It is the last Super Moon of 2019. We are also celebrating Purim today and tomorrow! Do you see this saints! The enemy is under our feet! Watch your enemies (the devil) fall and God raise you up!!! It is called the worm moon because it is at the time of Spring when worms appear. What is interesting is I have been thinking of all the warfare and the humility fast where God is exposing pride and delivering us from the carnal nature and strongholds, and I thought of my 3 worm notes, where the worm is the thing that leads to pride!!!! I will repost my worm notes in comments. God showed me in writing those notes, that the attack of the worm is allowed in order to reveal the worm in us!!!! Our own mouth is what is causing our defeat! God is going to bring you into a turnaround and you will be delivered in Jesus Name! I thought of how the birds eat the worms, and how Psalm 74:13-14 reveals God cutting the heads of the dragon off, representing leviathan/pride, and feeding him to the creatures in the wilderness and I could not help but think of the birds that eat the worms. The early bird gets the worm! The bird that is alert and listening, attentive, is the one that sees the enemy's defeat!!!! Be expectant and hopeful saints knowing that God is bringing you into a new season, and you are in the process where the devil, the worm, is being exposed in our life so that we walk in deliverance and will not be given over to pride!!!!! GLORY TO GOD!!!! God bless! Robin Kirby Gatto

Copyright 2011, Robin Kirby Gatto