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Your "friend" is being revealed in this present hour. Many are being sifted, so that any friendship they have with the world is exposed to the Light, turning them in repentance towards God, knowing that He alone is their Friend. Friendship with the world is enmity against God. God reveals His secrets to His friends, causing them to rise up in the power of His Friendship through their faith, in order to open the eyes of their heart, flooding it with the Light of truth, to know Him and Who He is! The secret mysteries of Christ Jesus, the Anointed One, brings to Light the greatness of God's promise for you, as you are overcome by Faith, with a friendship based on PURE LOVE, not wanting anything in return, as God is overwhelmed to be loved by you!!!!!!! A friendship based on that which is pure, giving grace upon grace, in order that His people can step through the open door and enter in, to a greater peace, praise and promise! In Jesus Name! Amen and Amen!!!!! God bless! Robin Kirby-Gatto

Copyright 2011, Robin Kirby Gatto