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I hear the Father saying, Do not give up hope My child, but know that I Am doing a quick work, delivering you from the hand of the enemy, as I strengthen you in My Name, revealing the Nature of sonship through the fellowship of the brethren and the abundant grace of My Son, Jesus Christ, the firstborn of many brethren, giving you abundant expectation, to know that I AM ABLE. Be not worrisome nor toil in the mind's weariness, resisting the enemy's lies that would assail you, knowing the power of My truth as I give you an increase of the Gift of Faith and the Spirit of Understanding, to know the Mind of Christ! Be hopeful and expectant in Me and not man, knowing it is "I" Who work all things to your good, giving you an expected and hopeful outcome, which is of a supernatural kind, a grace beyond measure, that will fill and flood your heart and mind, being a standard of My Truth, sending the enemy fleeing in 7 directions. I will deliver you, and your sons and daughters, giving you dreams and visions, which are My divine presence, showing you what is to come, where you will know My divine hope, giving you encouragement and exhortation of what is to come, as you come into agreement with My purpose, which is to give you a hope and a future, where you will be loosed like a calf in springtime, leaping out of the stall as in spring, knowing that My goodness is at your doorstep, My power is in your home, and My plans are soon to manifest quickly, bringing you My expected in. I will bless you and send you forth, into a new season, a different direction, which you have not known, as you lean on Me, acknowledging Me in all you do, seeing that I Am the One Who directs your path. Have renewed hope and expectation that My change is here. GLORY TO GOD! AMEN AND AMEN! GOD BLESS! Robin Kirby-Gatto

Copyright 2011, Robin Kirby Gatto