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WATCHMAN ALERT: I have to share this; Holy Spirit keeps putting it on my heart. Several months ago I had a dream I posted on Facebook, which I will share again, and God revealed to me it is happening right now. He wanted me to post for the body at large to know what it is they are going through and to guard their heart. In the dream I had a home that was this huge beautiful stone castle that you see in places like France. It had a massive staircase of limestone, milky white, and I had this beautiful long silk gown and robe in the dream. In the dream it was night time and there was banging on my door, and I wasn't asleep; I happened to be up and strolled down the staircase like you would see in a movie. I had a candlestick in my hand, as I came down the staircase (which was to the right of the door against the wall) and opened this huge wooden door. At the door was a woman that represents the Jezebel spirit. In real life, she had operated in the Jezebel spirit while in our ministry and I was led by God to ask her not to return to our meetings. Prior to her leaving, I had dreams about this woman for many years, and sat down with her, giving her the pleadings of the Lord with a witness to repent, which she did not. Back to the dream: While I was standing at the door, she had a raccoon in her hand, dangling it in front of me. The woman knew she could not cross the threshold of my house. As she lifted up the raccoon, I noticed a huge gash in its side as it was bleeding. The raccoon screamed and threshed its legs in the air. I looked at the woman and commanded her to get back and to get that raccoon away from my castle. At my feet in my house, was my cat Sailor, who had died 2 years prior. Sailor did not like the raccoon and was making certain that it would not come into our house. The woman then took the raccoon in our field of wheat, which surrounded our castle. This huge wheat field circled all around us. As soon as the raccoon landed on the ground, my cat Sailor immediately lunged forward into the field and ran after the raccoon to get it off of my property. Tracie Mark had actually seen my post at the time and messaged me that she saw the woman I had mentioned that I had asked to leave our ministry, just a few days prior. This was the interesting thing; This attack happened this weekend that was in my dream, and more confirmation is that I yesterday, at the end of this attack, I was sent a friend request and accepted of someone with the lat name of CASTLEBERRY! What is funny about that is I used my birthday money to by Teva shoes that are colored boysenberry colored, a rich deep reddish pink. At any rate, the Lord showed me months ago that the spirit of Jezebel was going to use those who were wounded, in order to attack God's people. Those who were masking their wounds and would not forgive or go to God, in order to bring an attack of condemnation and slander. God showed me at the time months ago, that this particular woman was talking to someone who was already wounded, and she was speaking evil of me. He told me that the spirit of Jezebel would get its cords in them and manipulate them to take all their pain and hurt out on me, making me responsible. Scripture says to uproot the root of bitterness lest it contaminate the many. The wheat is the harvest. Last week God kept speaking about the Jezebel spirit getting ready to attack and sure enough it was exposed. Pray for your enemies and the ungrateful. God had me prepare with the Luke 6:42 fast in August and the Luke 6:35 fast in September, telling me to fast and pray. Sure enough, the attack happened and worked to my good. This onslaught of condemnation and slander in this hour by the spirit of Jezebel is heightened and is manifesting through the bitterness in other people who are wounded. It is trying to get you to buy its lies and be effected. Be aware of the masks trying to cover this issue and attack and those affected, so that you do not fall into its trap! Pray for the wounded and bless them. They are ungrateful for you and are taking out their pain against those who are being tested. Stand and you will overcome! In Jesus Name, I take the Sword of the Spirit and cut the cords of Jezebel and command that spirit to loose you and go into the wilderness! In Jesus Name! I declare that spirit will not operate through the wounded in which it is manipulating the souls of mankind to attack the saints. I declare every lying serpent around your neck is lifted off in Jesus Name! I take authority over the spirit of condemnation and the spirit of slander and command it to loose you and go into the wilderness! In Jesus Name! I declare the Spirit of the Lord is upon you! In Jesus Name! I declare the joy of the Lord is upon you in Jesus Name! I declare you are anointed with a fresh anointing, a new anointing! In Jesus Name! God bless you! Robin Kirby Gatto

Copyright 2011, Robin Kirby Gatto