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I hear the Father Saying I have made a way for you where there seems to be no way, for you have felt pushed against a place of opposition as My people did against the Red Sea, seeing their enemy approach, not knowing where they could go. I Am the God of the impossible and will surely provide a way for you in this hour! I will bring breakthrough SUDDENLY! I provided a way for Israel then and continue to provide a way, where there seems to be no way. Do you think I have changed or that I have stopped being the WAY MAKER? No! For surely, I will bring your sons and daughters out of the bondage that has held them tightly, and I will loose the enemy's hold on them, as I deliver them from the lies of this age that have held them down. I will bring them through the valley of the shadow of death, by the power of My nature, revealed in My Son, with the staff of comfort and the rod of My authority, causing them to be stirred and awakened to love, to know the nature of My goodness towards them! Profanity of the hypocrites have caused many to stumble, as the wounded have left the church, looking for the healing nature of My love to be salve to their soul. I will raise My true shepherds who have left the 99 to go after the 1, knowing their heart is for My sheep, to tend, guard and keep. I will quicken you in your body, bringing healing to your bones, as you move past the old season and into the new, with more weights being lifted off of you, not having the cares of this world, but being yoked in the power of My nature, with My Son! I will turn you weeping into laughter, and you will be strengthened in greater joy, as you see the victory on every end, causing you to be filled and overflowing in great joy and mercy, knowing the strength of My grace that has filled you! I Am removing the dross from you, as My Word in you, is being purified seven times, causing the virtue of My Servant to be revealed through you, as you overcome the world and all its power! GLORY TO GOD! GOD BLESS! Robin Kirby Gatto

Copyright 2011, Robin Kirby Gatto