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I hear the Father saying: Be unafraid My child, as you face the opposition of the enemy in this hour, knowing that I have opened a door wide open, which is an effectual door for My kingdom to be made known. I Am the Alpha and the Omega, revealed through My Son, Who defeated death, hell and the grave, causing My sons and daughters to be joint heirs with Him, as they too rise up to defeat the enemy. I have anointed you with fire of My Holy Spirit, to breath a breath of life to those who are in need, knowing that I will bring them into the power of the Cross, revealing the nature of My Love and salvation, as they turn to Me and repent, and I will heal them. There is much opposition in this hour because the walls of the pagan system of man set up in My house will not stand, as I expose that which has been hidden in My sanctuary, revealing the nature of the hearts of those who call themselves My ministers. As in the time of Zadok, I will reveal what is taking place in the inner chambers, bringing My justice and My judgment to My house, expelling witchcraft, sorcery, necromancy, and abominations of darkness. I will cause My jealous lovers to arise, who desire My Name and the glorification of My Son, as I pour out My Spirit in greater measure, adding more to those who have been faithful with a little, making them ruler over much. I will cause your tent pegs to be stretched out, and lengthen your cords, as well as strengthen your stakes, as I pour an increase of My Spirit into the work your are called to do in this hour to advance My purpose in the earth, revealing the nature of My glory! GOD BLESS! Robin Kirby Gatto

Copyright 2011, Robin Kirby Gatto