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Beloved of God, The heart is so deceitful and we can be ignorant of the vanity and pride, the haughtiness and filth that is within. It is a critical hour for us to cleanse our garments as in Revelation 7:13-15, in the Blood of the Lamb, consecrating our body unto God, which is our reasonable worship. So many people use the name of the Lord God as a hashtag. We are bothered when we hear others take the Name of the Lord God in vain, yet we ourselves are guilty, and have no room to judge or speak on the matter. We use the Name of the Lord God in conversations, excusing our bitterness, our rudeness, covering our pride, when we treat others in an ungodly fashion, hashtagging God’s name onto it, saying, “God told me ….” “I’m just being obedient.” The only thing you are obedient to when you do this is your own belly, the flesh! It is the appetites of the pride of life, wanting to be right, and dismissing the fact that you have rotten fruit, when you are impatient, rude, unkind, gossiping, slandering, and the like. When you do this, YOU USE THE NAME OF THE LORD GOD IN VAIN!!!! It is no different from the lost who cuss. We have to be fervent and earnest in cleansing our garments, and it’s not going to come without humbling ourselves in fasting and prayer. I am speaking about and for myself. I am preaching to myself. Saints we have to master our emotions and our tongue! We have to take thoughts captive. God bless! Robin Kirby-Gatto

Copyright 2011, Robin Kirby Gatto