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I pray that you are steadfast in the Word of truth, knowing the grace of the Father through Holy Spirit, so that you operate in mighty power and faith, being led by the Spirit, walking in truth and favor, in order and in peace, as you walk not by sight but by faith! In Jesus Name! I pray you are overcome in the nature of God's glory, expressed in the virtue of Christ, and that you heed the Words of truth spoken by the Father through the Son, bringing Light and glory to your soul, showing forth your self-image in the glory of Christ, the Anointed One, the Son of God, as you are kept in the divine presence of the Almighty, being lifted up in His mighty strength, to know THE RICHES OF CHRIST! GLORY TO GOD! IN JESUS NAME! I pray you are stirred with abundant hope and life, knowing the Keys of the Kingdom, seizing the Kingdom of Heaven, violently by force, to see the divine nature of the Father's heart, bearing fruit in your soul, where you know who you are in Christ Jesus, abiding in God, as you are given over to the pruning of that which is unclean, in order to bear more abundant fruit! In Jesus Name! Amen and Amen! God bless! Robin Kirby Gatto

Copyright 2011, Robin Kirby Gatto