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I hear the Father saying: Walk with Me, My child, and know for certain that I have called you into the place of My purpose, being salt and light to those around you. Know I Am perfecting the things which concern you, giving you a hope and a future, grace and power, to know that all things work to good for those who love Me and are called according to My purpose. Nothing is in vain, when you do it for Me, My child. Do not let the enemy whisper to your soul, and bring confusion, when it comes to Who I Am and what I do. I Am a Good God and every good and perfect gift comes from the Father of Lights. Be at peace, and know that I Am moving your forward step by step, which you cannot see, but I know the way and have ordered your steps. Run with Me, knowing that as you have waited on Me, I have visited you, and am bringing you into the place of plenty for your soul, where you shall eat and be satisfied, no longer knowing shame. I will remove the fetters that have bound your feet, and open up tombs, to set My people free. Be not weary in well doing but know that I Am here to bring you a Good report on every end, if you only believe. Do not let the whispers of the enemy's report come against your soul, with words of doubt and unbelief. Do not listen to the naysayers and those who carry a negative report, but listen to the Report of the Lord, on Whom you have relied, and watch Me perform My very Word, delivering, healing and bringing freedom. Glory to God! Amen and Amen! Robin Kirby Gatto

Copyright 2011, Robin Kirby Gatto