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I hear the Father saying: I have called you forth for such a time as this, bringing you to the place, where you will know My delight, as you see My Spirit fill you, leading you to the place in which I have called. The trials of this hour are great My child, but they are for the purification of your faith, so that you know Me and the power of My Son's resurrection, which is your inheritance. I desire for you to walk in a consecrated life, revealing the nature of My glory through that which is HOLY. The separation of the sheep from the goats is made known through My fire, revealing the works of the heart. Be not weary in well doing but know that I have called you to bear your cross, following Christ, so that you know the greatness of My Name and the nature of My beauty of holiness, shown forth in the Word of truth, which sets you free. You have cried to Me, asking Me to bring freedom My child and I tell you that it is right there in My Word. The enemy of your soul wants to keep you bound up under the lie, which has hypnotized many into a deep sleep, although they walk around, going through their day, they do not realize the deep bondage their soul is in, and live in a false reality. I Am waking My people up from the slumber, causing them to know truth and the power of Christ's resurrection, as they are freed in their heart and mind from the lie's of the enemy of their soul, so they can walk in abundant peace, displaying the nature of My Glory, being a vessel that is set a part for My glory! Be hopeful My child and do not give up, knowing that your war is being waged against sin, the disease of darkness, so that you overcome. Consecrate your body, and know that the mind will follow, as I garrison the helmet of salvation upon your head, bringing you the Mind of Christ, revealing a truth that is magnificent and holy, a truth that brings freedom to the core of your soul. Be expectant deliverance is coming, and I will reveal to you My glory, as I show forth the excellence of My praise within you to pour out through your work, so that many will see you are a written epistle to be read among men. PRAISE GOD! AMEN AND AMEN! God bless! Robin Kirby Gatto

Copyright 2011, Robin Kirby Gatto