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I hear the Father saying: I will quicken you in this hour, by the power of My Spirit, bringing you knowledge, wisdom and understanding to what I have called you to, as I bring the greatness of My Name within your midst, revealing the nature of My glory, where you behold My glory with an unveiled face. I will bring you peace and comfort, causing you to know that you are not your own, but you are bought and paid for with a price, laying your life down for Christ Jesus, as I give you All Sufficiency to walk in my power and grace, enabling you to do all that I have called you to do, as I cause your eyes to be opened to see the door that is set before you, wide open, that no man can shut. Be not weary My child in the trying of your faith but know that I have already brought about an expectant and good end to this tribulation, and will cause you to have the peace to know it is finished as I have worked all things to your good. I have done more than you can know and I Am working on your behalf, to bring you into the place of My promise, where your mind has been prepared to behold the glory of My grace, knowing that I have already overcome all your giants. Look not to your circumstances to validate who you are, but look to My Word, which gives you My hope and future, revealing the nature of My glory, as I do exceedingly abundantly above what you can think or imagine. Be at peace as I reveal the emotions that have been attached to your soul, setting you free of that which has blinded you, bringing you truth and power in order that you can comprehend the greatness I have wrought forth in your midst, giving you assurance of an expected end, bringing you hope and My future, revealing the strength of My Name, as you yield fruits of righteousness to glorify My Son. Glory to God Amen! Robin Kirby-Gatto

Copyright 2011, Robin Kirby Gatto