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I hear the Father saying, I knew you before you were formed in your mother's womb, and made provision for you each and every step of the way, as I provided a sacrifice for all your sins and failings, knowing that the power of My Love would reach for you through eternity into time through The Son of My Love, Jesus, The Messiah. I caused you to be fearfully and wonderfully made, reaching into the stars in the heavens, painting My voice upon your soul, where in time, when I sent My Spirit to you, you would know the price that was paid at Calvary; that a dead man on a tree was the way to My Salvation. I opened your eyes in the grace of My love, anointing them with eye salve, to see what I would show you, as the Light of My truth pierced your soul, bringing you the voice of Heaven, to know the Kingdom of My Strength and Power, the Kingdom of God! He is the Firstborn of many brethren, to those who have been wooed by My Spirit to My side, as I have brought you into Myself, which was displayed when I put Adam to sleep and brought forth Eve. You are a part of Me, My child, as I have brought the discovery and newness of grace, not just once, but time and time again, each day that dawns, making my sure mercies known each morning you awake. As the sun rising into the heavens, my grace rises upon you each and every day. You are My beloved, and I Am yours, revealing the goodness of My Name through our fellowship of sonship, making known your inheritance in resurrection power, giving you confidence and boldness of your security in Me, who has called you. I Am yours and you are Mine. Know that I will bestow upon you the riches of My blessings and My gifts, bringing a greater grace than you have known in this hour through My resurrection power. Goodness and Mercy be upon you My child, as you enter into the time of independence from bondages you have fought in the past, knowing that I destroy the yoke of oppression, through My Son, Jesus Christ, and the victory He wrought forth on the cross and in His resurrection! GLORY TO GOD! AMEN AND AMEN! God bless! Robin Kirby-Gatto

Copyright 2011, Robin Kirby Gatto