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I hear the Father saying: Look to Me, My child, for all that you have need of and not to the things of this present age. The devil himself would have you believe that I am not your provider. Know that this issue of mistrust and unbelief is deep rooted in your heart, in the wounds of your soul, where you did not come to Me to provide complete healing. I Am the God that heals thee; the God that makes thee whole and perfect, keeping no good thing from you, but opening the eyes of your heart to provide the wisdom of My mighty power through My Son, Jesus Christ, so that you would know the love and grace of My throne that sets you free!! I Am removing that which has ensnared you with bitterness and unforgiveness, as I give you dreams and visions, to see that which has been buried deep within the mind, in order to expose the buzzing locusts and cankerworm. I will restore ALL the years that the locusts and cankerworm have eaten, as I bring about My promise, working all things to your good, removing all that would be divisive and rebellious against My truth, by the power of My Word! You will know Christ and Him crucified in great measure through My grace, as I bring forth a greater anointing of humility, freeing you from the opinions of this present age, caring not for your own life, but losing it in order that you gain the life of My Son! He richly provided the strength of the Kingdom of Heaven, making it known to those who were ready to receive that which I have promised, knowing that every good gift comes from the Father of Lights! This is a time of gifts and celebration, as you enter into the place of My promise, into a time of great joy and shouting, as you see victory all around you, where I lift your head above your enemies, causing the praises of My victory through you to be made known! Be ready to forgive and move on, as you let go of the past and go forward into the promise! Amen and Amen! God bless! Robin Kirby Gatto

Copyright 2011, Robin Kirby Gatto