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I hear the Father saying: I Am taking you a direction you have not known, that will bring great satisfaction, as you eat at My table and know the power of My Word, that will deliver you out of the circumstances in which you feel overcome, as I cause you to overcome the world and all it's power! I Am the God of greatness and the God Who brings My people out of harms way, as I bring them into the place of My promise, which is also the place of protection. Do not be afraid, nor given into discouragement, for the enemy of your soul is roaming about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. I Am the God of greatness and the God of love, causing you to recognize My love in this hour that is needed in your soul, in order that you are not manipulated by the slanderer, but that you stand firmly as My servant David did against Goliath, as you face your present darkness that is the voice of satan, himself. Know that I will cause you to overcome, and give you victory, as you overcome all of his power, knowing the love of the truth, which is to do the will of the Father, seeing the great and mighty display of all that I have done and what I will do, as I bring many out of darkness and into My marvelous light! I Am the God of greatness and the God of restoration and reconciliation, and in this hour I will minister to those who are far away and have been damaged in their soul with great bruising because of the false ministers that have stood in My church and bruised them. I will bring a healing anointing of great grace and pour out My love upon those who are far, revealing the nature of My power and My Kingdom, causing them to hunger and thirst for the righteousness of My Son! Do not doubt in your heart, but only believe My Word is true and watch what I will do! I will move upon your loved ones, bringing them healing and deliverance as I move mightily in power to bind the strongman and destroy the stronghold! I Am the God of healing and the God of deliverance! Know truly that I Am coming quickly in power and seek those who worship Me in spirit and in truth, as I add unto them an increase anointing of grace, giving them victory on every end, revealing the nature of My glory! Glory to God!!!!!!! Amen and Amen! God bless! Robin Kirby Gatto

Copyright 2011, Robin Kirby Gatto