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I hear the Father saying: I Am doing something new, do you perceive it? For it will spring forth before you have fully recognized what is happening in this hour. I Am A God of more than enough, and a God Who is good, giving out of mercy and abundant grace, to those who draw near to Me. I Am delivering your sons and your daughters of the clutches of the enemy, as I stir them up in the mighty praise of My great Name, to cause them to be jealous for Me, desiring freedom! The Spirit of the Lord God will be known to them as I bring them up out of their graves and cause them to be strengthened in My hope to see that which I have called them! This is the hour of Destiny, and as My great servant Esther, served Me, delivering My people, you will see the hour that is set before you is unto that same hour, as I deliver My people out of the vice grip of satan and bring them FULLY into My plans of my promise! I Am the God of Destiny and have already written about your life and that which you are to do in My books, giving each of you a promise, knowing the end from the beginning, as I cause your soul to be prepared for the GREATNESS of My anointing that is to be poured out upon you! This is the time of Jubilee and of dancing, as I bring the enemy in like sheaves to be placed under your feet, causing you to be a dance of two armies, knowing the victory that My Son, Jesus the Christ, has proclaimed to those Who are called by Me. I Am the God of victory and breakthrough and will cause you to be strong in spirit, as you leap over walls and run through troops, knowing the greatness of My Name for you to overcome the powers of darkness and to be lifted up into My plans and thoughts! I know the thoughts that I have for you, and they are to give you a hope and a promise; it is for the purpose of My glory being seeing in the earth so that many will come out of darkness and into My marvelous light! Rejoice My people, rejoice for I Am coming quickly in this hour with blessings and honor, with victory and overcoming power, as I cause you to enter the Land of the Living, confronting your giants and obtaining My might power to know the greatness of My Name! Glory to God! Amen and Amen! Robin Kirby Gatto

Copyright 2011, Robin Kirby Gatto