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I hear the Father saying: I Am with you My child, as you endure with patience, your present trial, knowing that I Am working all things to your good, giving you strength in the power of My promise. I will rectify your circumstances, as I work all things to your good, causing you to be filled and flooded with hope, as My Word rises up in mighty power in you, giving you sufficiency and ability, in the greatness of My grace. I Am a God of more than enough, and desire that you come to know the riches of My glory, revealed in the Character of My Son, as the divine mysteries of the ages sought that which they did not have nor know, in the eternal treasure of Christ. I Am moving you quickly in this hour, as I remove that which has hindered you, causing you to recognize the power of My Promise of Covenant, revealed in My Word, bringing the anointing that will destroy the yoke of oppression, not only on you and those you love, but those to whom I send you. You will see the display of My grace and power as the revealing of the Kingdom of Heaven is made known to you, to supply you with the power of My Spirit, bringing the strength of My Name so that many will be added unto My kingdom, as the revealed nature of My glory is made known to them. I have heard your cries and seen your discouragement, and I Am a God of great courage and ability, knowing that I Am able to bring you through the storm, where you will not drown and the fire, where you will come out not smelling like smoke. I Am the God of refinement and I will have a pure bride ready and fitly prepared for her Bridegroom, My Son. I have allowed you to be sifted and refined for the outpouring of My glory, which will enable you with My strength to do the work I have called you to do. This is the hour of My Called and Set A Part Ones, who have patiently endured the trying of their faith, and have had but a little strength! I Am preparing you for the battle, as I prepared My servant David, when he faced Goliath the Philistine. I have prepared you, so that you will not be afraid of the giants that you face, but you will know the boldness of My Name, and be bold as lion, as you face the enemy in the power of My Mighty Name! Be of glad heart and know that I Am coming quickly in this hour with My power and strength, demonstrating the power of My Love, Life and Light to all those who call on My Name! Amen and Amen! God bless! Robin Kirby Gatto

Copyright 2011, Robin Kirby Gatto