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I Hear the Father Saying, Know that I am drawing many nigh unto Me, who have backslidden. I Am healing their backsliding, as I heal their heart, giving them strength and power to know the truth of My Word that will set them free. Many of My children have longed and pleaded for My tender mercies over their loved ones who are lost, and I have heard your cries and am answering them in this hour, as you seek Me diligently, finding a greater anointing of grace and power for those who are being drawn near. I Am searching out those who will abandon everything for Me, as they come to know the power of the age to come, demonstrated in My mighty working power in the Acts of the Apostles, and My Beloved Son. I have sought out a generation who would seek My face and that generation is upon the earth, for I tell you truly that you are that generation. The purging and refining of My Word in you, is in order to bring a greater power of the virtue of Christ Jesus, My Son, so that you will walk in the character and nature of My Word, being an epistle read among men. I have looked after you with love and mercy, giving you strength in My truth to grow in grace and in My power. I have revealed the nature of My thoughts and heart in the Mind of Christ, giving you power beyond what you can imagine. My power is in My love, resident within you, causing you to be transformed into My glory, as the nature of My love is demonstrated in your trial, giving to others that which is not of you but of My Son. You have picked up your cross and followed My Son, fellowshipping in His sufferings and I have held you dear to My heart, in those times where you felt I was far from you. I Am closer than you know and am aiding you on every turn, as I surround you with My wall of fire, lifting the glory of My Name in the midst of you! I will put My Name in you, causing the knowledge of My glory to be made known to your soul, as your spirit is strengthened in mighty power, to know My Name! My Name is My power and My glory, as it will be revealed to all nations, causing many to come out of darkness and into My marvelous light! Nations are crying out for freedom, as you have also cried out, and I tell you I have heard your cries and theirs, and am answering then in this hour to bring the Spirit of the Lord God and the day of vengeance to proclaim the Acceptable Year of the Lord! Rise up My oak trees of righteousness, as I adorn you like a Bride being adorned on her wedding day, with the display of My glory in your robe of righteousness that will shine brightly as the stars, as many are won unto righteousness! You will find in your heart that all you have endured has been counted unto you as righteousness, as Abraham endured to see the promise, so have you My child. Amen and Amen! God bless! Robin Kirby Gatto

Copyright 2011, Robin Kirby Gatto