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Crossing Over!!!! By Robin Kirby-Gatto 6/18/11 The weekend that we celebrated Pentecost 6/11/11 at 22 IS 22 (Isaiah 22:22 Company) our prayer focus was GOD SHOW US YOUR GLORY! Little did I know what I was going to have to push through to get to that point of time. Prior to the weekend of Passover, the celebration before Pentecost, God informed me that the Bride of Christ was going to go through so much warfare that it would increase 20 times more than it had before. All I could do was tell God there was no way in which my mind could ever conceive the increased warfare; the warfare was already beyond anything I had ever imagined. There had been attacks of the spirit of leviathan which I had recently undergone, as well as feeling as though I had been placed in a pit with vipers all around me biting at every part of my being. As I pressed into God after Passover leading up to Pentecost I discovered He was correct about the warfare increasing 20 times more. Moreover, God informed that the warfare was increasing because the Bride of Christ was going to be crossing over into the promises of God which are yes and Amen! God informed me that Rich and I would be leaving a place of having just enough provided to us and entering Ephesians 3:20 where we would see the Lord do exceedingly, abundantly, above all we could think or imagine according to the power that was at work inside of us. As I continued to stay the course during the time of Passover and Pentecost Holy Spirit told me to only focus on God and not to look at myself because in the midst of the attacks Holy Spirit was going to expose things in me that were ungodly and bring them to the surface so that I would allow Him to remove them from me and be more transformed into the image of Christ Jesus, from glory to glory! (2 Corinthians 3:18). Further into the time between Passover and Pentecost I then began to discover an attack of the enemy that Holy Spirit exposed, which was the spirit of behemoth and He then led me to do a teaching on the attack of behemoth, which the ultimate result was to expose any self-righteousness I might have been walking in and that others might be unaware in which they walk in, providing a hook for satan to manipulate them in the attack of the spirit of the behemoth to hit me, my family and our ministry. The only success of that attack of the enemy is that God worked it to my good! He further exposed in me areas in which I might not appropriate the fullness of the righteousness of Christ Jesus and repent of those areas in order that I could walk in the fullness of the righteousness of Christ. As the time came closer to Pentecost I had a brief reprieve whereby I was able to at least breathe in the midst of what seemed to be a resting time where the enemy had fled. Only to my discovery I had no clue what was about to happen and all I knew is that Holy Spirit had built my expectations of for Pentecost and the coming shift God was to bring the Bride of Christ into at the time of Pentecost. In addition, to what Holy Spirit had spoken to me the heavens were speaking of God’s glory and His coming shift. June 1, 2011 a partial solar eclipse occurred at the North Pole and then on June 15th a full lunar eclipse occurred over the Middle East, Israel, and finally on July 1, 2011 there will be a partial solar eclipse at the South Pole. As I inquired and engaged Holy Spirit, He said that the heavens were declaring what God had spoken to me with the upcoming shift. God had told me that He was shifting His people and positioning the upcoming leaders of His army to bring the Bride of Christ into God’s promises. He said that there would be a changing of the guards and He had given me a prophetic word earlier in the year about the changing of the guards, in which I will post under this web site (Godsfirewall.com) under prophecy. In saying all of this I am trying to preface this note with the knowledge I was given by Holy Spirit and the transformation in which He was bringing me forth into the image of Christ Jesus from all the attacks of the enemy I had undergone. As a result I felt like shouting from the mountaintop and jumping up and down for jubilee. However, God began to prod me and speak to my spirit that something more was about to come upon me and that I needed to settle in. In the midst of this transition, Holy Spirit, had me reading Joshua 1 a week before Pentecost came on the Jewish Calendar June 8, 2011. I had no idea why I was reading the scripture other than trusting that God would reveal to me the revelation and wisdom of His Word, opening up the eyes of my understanding. In addition, my husband and I were getting ready to prepare for the shift God was bringing us into, because He was relocating us to another city and completing removing us from the old place where we had spent years (9 years) in the wilderness leaning on God and walking through every fiery trial and testing of our faith that would strip us of anything of ourselves and let us know that the only thing that would prosper in our lives was what God would do through us. My husband, Rich and I were completely humbled and lost a nice home, a Lexus car and other items which were only materials we had acquired from the world system. God allowed us to go through a shaking those nine years to show us everything in our lives that had been built on the world system would fall to the ground and the only thing that would remain was what was of God’s Kingdom and He would further build us up. Therefore, now I found myself a week out from Pentecost, hearing God tell me weeks before we were preparing for His coming move of Holy Spirit, which would involve crossing us over into the Promises of God and positioning us for His end time army. A week out, from where we were shifting to all of a sudden there was an intense three to four day sifting right up to the day of Pentecost. I had no clue I did not see it or expect it. All I knew is that we were crossing over into God’s promises but truly I didn’t know what that looked like I only knew that we were crossing over. Moreover, I had not seen the lives of others that crossed over into God’s promises so I had not clue how that looked like and what process would occur right up to the crossing over. Well……………………. I found out! LOL. It is like birthing a baby, when the birth pangs get closer together and the mother is about to deliver her child. Oh My!!! I had no clue because no one ever told me what to expect when I had my first child and all I knew is that I had heard stories but had never experienced it on my own. It was after I experienced having my first child that I knew what to expect with my second child. Likewise, crossing over into God’s promises is the same. For those of us who have never crossed over into the promises of God, although others might have crossed over in our lives, until we experience it we have no clue what to expect and what to look for since it is a first time for us. This is what I found to be the case in crossing over and Holy Spirit wants me to share this to encourage others and be of support as others cross over. The few days prior to Pentecost, the intensity of crossing over began to hit me. All of a sudden there was a massive wave of sifting where I felt like I was Peter who was told by Jesus that satan had asked permission to sift him and that Jesus had already prayed for Peter. 31Simon, Simon (Peter), listen! Satan has asked excessively that [all of] you be given up to him [out of the power and keeping of God], that he might sift [all of] you like grain, 32But I have prayed especially for you [Peter], that your [own] faith may not fail; and when you yourself have turned again, strengthen and establish your brethren. Luke 22:31-31 AMP. As I was reminded of this sifting Jesus had spoken of to Peter, Holy Spirit said “Robin surely as Peter was sifted and satan had asked permission to sift him, the same thing is occurring even now with you.” I was thinking, what how can that be. Then Holy Spirit showed me before God brings you into His “SHIFT” He allows you to go through a “SIFT.” Similar to Peter I found myself in the midst of the worse allying emotions that I could have never imagined ever hitting my mind and the shaking in which my circumstances had brought me. I was going through waves of pressing and sifting that at times I “felt” as though God had forsaken me or even had brought me under some sort of judgment. I would reach out to my husband and in being overwhelmed I would declare God’s word in that He would never leave me or forsake me but in all actuality as best as I could describe I had felt forsaken and left out of God’s goodness, His Promises, His presence. This was a very intense three to four day event in which I underwent. I could not worship my way out, pray my way out, or favor my way out! I was on the threshing floor being sifted like wheat and I had to press in and further let what was not of God be sifted out of me during that time. The crazy thing is that what satan brought against me in the sifting was actually making me a fortified city, an iron pillar, established in God’s Word! God showed me that similar to others who were prepared in His Kingdom, David, Paul, Abraham, Peter, and others, each one had to go through a time in which there was a sifting in them before they shifted into their position of greatness they had always been destined to reach and were brought by God; God is the God of greatness and causes man to be great. (1 Chronicles 29:10-13). In knowing that God had a purpose in which I was being sifted I pressed into the Word to know the Word and understand what I was to discover in the midst of the transition. As I pressed in further I became aware of the differentiation more than ever between the spirit man and flesh man. I discovered the sifting was pressing out the flesh and anything of the flesh, whereby God could bring more of His glory and power through Holy Spirit within me. As I pressed into God during this sifting I saw my flesh man in a vision fall down like a puddle of wrinkles and it was as if my flesh was a suit that fell to the ground. Then God allowed me to see my spirit man in which I was adorned with such beauty and grace. This vision occurred two times in the midst of this sifting but this is where God showed me that I must shift in the midst and as a result of the sift in order to shift in the earth realm into my position. He showed me that if I could not do it in the spirit then I would not be able to do it in the natural realm. God showed me that Peter had to do the same thing before he could preach the first message of Christ Jesus to the nations at Pentecost. Moreover, God showed me that if Peter would not have shifted from the sifting that he would not have been prepared for that move of Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit then began to tell me “Robin Pentecost is inside of you! Make the shift and see where you can be Pentecost!” I heard this pressing into my spirit so deep and it began to spill over into my soul where I began to understand what Holy Spirit was saying. Moreover, He identified this shift in the Word of God that showed me how there had to be a greater shifting in the spirit which would bring us into a time of preparation whereby when we were positioned the fullness of time, of God’s plans and purposes would began to manifest in the earth. God showed me that the sifting was removing areas in which satan could get a hook into my soul and pull me into emotions leading my flesh instead of being self-controlled and waiting upon the Lord. God was purifying my emotions through the sifting! In the midst of the sifting God was making me a fortified city an iron pillar in THE WORD, knowing Who my God is! I pressed in with all of my heart, mind, soul and strength into The Word and would declare His Word to cast down everything that exalted itself against The Word. I declared my God never leaves me or forsakes me, He has a plan to prosper me to give me a hope and a future, not to harm me, My God is absolutely good, and more! I began to have none of Robin left and started to pull on the Word! I became empty so He could pour more into me. In the meanwhile, it was as though God had made His word in me like steel, and it began to pound deeper into my being, where I began to be absolutely immovable!! God was making me a fortified city an iron pillar in His Word, in His Holy City!!! Therefore, as I was prepared to shift into God’s promises, Robin would come to the end of herself and only God would be able to get the glory and come forth in me! This transition He showed me is established in His word in Song of Solomon 5 where the Shulammite woman was being transformed with what she knew, seeing things in the natural, to shifting to where she saw with her spiritual eyes, not her natural eyes. This is the same shift Peter had to undergo because he was use to seeing Jesus, eating with Jesus, talking with Jesus and going to Jesus. Peter had to shift to the eyes of his spirit instead of his natural eyesight. The shift had to also occur for Joshua, after Moses had departed, in order that he could bring the whole nation of Israel into the Promises of God! The Shift happens so that we can have a revelation of Christ in us the Hope of All Glory and reveal Him to others! In the first part of Song of Solomon 5 we see the Lover of the Shulammite speaking of the transformation in which she has undergone because now she has proven her love to her lover and he knows that she can never be disloyal but rather has proven her loyalty. 1I HAVE come into my garden, my sister, my [promised] bride; I have gathered my myrrh with my balsam and spice [from your sweet words I have gathered the richest perfumes and spices]. I have eaten my honeycomb with my honey; I have drunk my wine with my milk. Eat, O friends [feast on, O revelers of the palace; you can never make my lover disloyal to me]! Drink, yes, drink abundantly of love, O precious one [for now I know you are mine, irrevocably mine! With his confident words still thrilling her heart, through the lattice she saw her shepherd turn away and disappear into the night]. It is after this transformation that then the lover repositions himself with the Shulammite woman so that she can begin to shift into a different place of seeing. We see the shifting between the spirit and the natural when the Shulammite claims “I went to sleep” speaking of the flesh man but “my heart stayed awake” speaking of the spirit man. Then she hears a knock on the door and hears her lover wanting to enter to be with her. However, because of her flesh being weary she is unable to get up and respond. 2I went to sleep, but my heart stayed awake. [I dreamed that I heard] the voice of my beloved as he knocked [at the door of my mother's cottage]. Open to me, my sister, my love, my dove, my spotless one [he said], for I am wet with the [heavy] night dew; my hair is covered with it. 3[But weary from a day in the vineyards, I had already sought my rest] I had put off my garment-how could I [again] put it on? I had washed my feet--how could I [again] soil them? Similarly when Jesus came out to the garden we see where the same indications lead to Peter shifting from the flesh to the spirit like the Shulammite woman. 40And He came to the disciples and found them sleeping, and He said to Peter, What! Are you so utterly unable to stay awake and keep watch with Me for one hour? 41All of you must keep awake (give strict attention, be cautious and active) and watch and pray, that you may not come into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. (Matthew 26:40-41). Jesus was speaking to Peter to press into the spirit man because the flesh was weak. Jesus was instructing Peter how to shift. Further, the Shulammite from Song of Solomon describes what happens when the shift begins to occur, there is a different realm she is walking in she is grasping. Likewise, whenever I go to another level of glory the best description I can tell you is that my senses are heightened and I have this different sense in which I cannot explain other than I feel “weird.” It is not a bad kind of weird but a good kind of weird but just “weird.” Holy Spirit taught me years ago that when I have that sense that I have gone up to another level of glory in the spirit and maturing in my relationship with Holy Spirit and have to gain my footing in the new realm. Likewise, we see the Shulammite getting her footing in the new realm beginning to sense things about her lover. 4My beloved put in his hand by the hole of the door, and my heart was moved for him. 5I rose up to open for my beloved, and my hands dripped with myrrh, and my fingers with liquid [sweet-scented] myrrh, [which he had left] upon the handles of the bolt. 6I opened for my beloved, but my beloved had turned away and withdrawn himself, and was gone! My soul went forth [to him] when he spoke, but it failed me [and now he was gone]! I sought him, but I could not find him; I called him, but he gave me no answer. (Song of Solomon 5:4-6 AMP). The shifting begins to occur because her soul is sifted with what would utterly tear or rip her soul, which is the idea that her lover is gone! She feels he has left her and her “soul” begins to go forth and fails, she cannot find him! This is likened to the sifting we experience as God is preparing our hearts to receive Pentecost. It is the same way in which Peter was sifted, too. Peter feels as though Jesus is gone, he has left because of his denying the Christ! Peter’s soul fails him! We see this because it is Jesus that has to restore Peter in John 21. Peter had already proven with his heart that he was a loyal lover to Jesus as in Song of Solomon the Champion lover of the Shulammite states that he knows his lover will not be disloyal to him. Peter’s heart had already proven his love to Jesus, however, Jesus restored Peter. It was the sifting in Peter’s soul that caused him to be cast down and literally caused his soul to fail. But it was a necessary process to kill Peter’s flesh, to bring Peter to the end of himself, knowing that the only thing good in him is Jesus! Jesus lifts Peter’s soul up, because Peter has to fully shift in order to CROSS OVER into the new season, the receiving of the Holy Spirit and Power! Next we see the Shulammite state that the watchman struck and wounded her and took away her veil. 7The watchmen who go about the city found me. They struck me, they wounded me; the keepers of the walls took my veil and my mantle from me. 8I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, if you find my beloved, that you tell him that I am sick from love [simply sick to be with him]. 9What is your beloved more than another beloved, O you fairest among women [taunted the ladies]? What is your beloved more than another beloved, that you should give us such a charge? These watchmen represent many things, one of which is the mocking spirit, whereby they mock her love for her lover. They cannot see as the Shulammite sees because they only judge things of the natural. They do not see the love, the Rose of Sharon that has budded in the Shulammite woman for her lover because they judge by their eyes. Therefore, they mock the Shulammite woman acting as though she is crazy. But it is necessary because this mocking spirit coming against you is actually what causes the shifting. Whenever I was going through my sifting and pressing into God the mocking spirit began to attack me and say, “Who is your God, Robin, where is He now, has He left you and forsaken you, has He cursed you and left you to ruin.” Furthermore, the mocking spirit would say “Why do you think God has called you and chosen you, who are you to be walking in the power of God?” It continued to hit me time after time throughout those three days and brought so much heaviness. It was as though, I had already gone through the behemoth attack of self-righteousness and prior to that experienced leviathan sending messages to me and those around me to agree with satan and now I was going full circle again back to python attacking me. It felt as though all of the life of God was being squeezed out of me and that mocking spirit was in my ears questioning and bringing accusations against me. Finally, I pressed in like the Shulammite that couldn’t see her lover in the natural but went within her spiritual eyes and described her lover in the finest detail unveiling him to the women who mocked her. She states in detail: 10[She said] My beloved is fair and ruddy, the chief among ten thousand! 11His head is [as precious as] the finest gold; his locks are curly and bushy and black as a raven. 12His eyes are like doves beside the water brooks, bathed in milk and fitly set. 13His cheeks are like a bed of spices or balsam, like banks of sweet herbs yielding fragrance. His lips are like bloodred anemones or lilies distilling liquid [sweet-scented] myrrh. 14His hands are like rods of gold set with [nails of] beryl or topaz. His body is a figure of bright ivory overlaid with [veins of] sapphires. 15His legs are like strong and steady pillars of marble set upon bases of fine gold. His appearance is like Lebanon, excellent, stately, and majestic as the cedars. 16His voice and speech are exceedingly sweet; yes, he is altogether lovely [the whole of him delights and is precious]. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem! (Song of Solomon 5:10-16 AMP.) The Shulammite had SHIFTED!!!! SHE SHIFTED FROM THE NATURAL (FLESH) TO THE SPIRIT!! SHE NO LONGER SAW WITH HER NATURAL EYES BUT HER SPIRITUAL EYES! SHE SAW THE KINGDOM OF GOD WITHIN HER, SHE SAW HER LOVER WITHIN! Likewise the same shift happened for Peter when He was being shifted! His soul had been sifted and Jesus lifted Him up and restored Peter. But also, along with being lifted up by Holy Spirit after the sifting He prepares us to be ready and in position for the SHIFTING! We see this depicted well in Joshua! Because as you read in Joshua God is looking for ONLY JOSHUA to be strong and courageous because the Lord is depending on Joshua to CROSS OVER into God’s Promises in order to cause ISRAEL TO INHERIT THE PROMISES OF GOD! If Joshua would not have crossed over then Israel would not have crossed over, thereby not walking in the promises of God. Likewise, God has some of His remnant that are like Joshua who He wants to cross over into the Promises of God in order that the Bride of Christ will walk in her inheritance, will walk in the Promises of God! If the Joshua leaders do not cross over then the church will not cross over, the church will not SHIFT! Therefore, the Joshua group God has set aside HAVE TO CROSS OVER AND WILL!!! They are crossing over as I am writing this note by Holy Spirit! And it is the absolutely hardest thing they have ever done in their life!!! It is like birthing a destiny, which believe me is much harder than birthing a baby, if anyone knows I do! Birthing a baby in the natural was hard but birthing a destiny that is in the spirit and bringing it into the natural with Holy Spirit is even harder! The birth pangs seem as though they go on for months if not weeks! Leading up to the birthing of the destiny it feels the month of the manifestation of God’s Glory in your life that the birth pangs are non-stop 24/7! It is like a continually pushing to breakthrough! It is that wrestling!!! And the prayer warriors, those that stand with you are feeling the pressure of it all, too! Because once the Joshua crosses over and breaks through then EVERYONE with Joshua breaks through!! Everyone crosses over! Let’s look at Joshua 1 and we will look back at Song of Solomon 6:1-4 and then go to Acts 2! Joshua has grieved the death of Moses. The mantle of Moses has fallen on Joshua and he has seen Moses lead God’s people but this is a first time when the responsibility, the shift comes to Joshua. God is encouraging Joshua because it is necessary for Joshua to shift so that Israel will shift! 1AFTER THE death of Moses the servant of the Lord, the Lord said to Joshua son of Nun, Moses' minister, 2Moses My servant is dead. So now arise [take his place], go over this Jordan, you and all this people, into the land which I am giving to them, the Israelites. 3Every place upon which the sole of your foot shall tread, that have I given to you, as I promised Moses. 4From the wilderness and this Lebanon to the great river Euphrates--all the land of the Hittites [Canaan]--and to the Great [Mediterranean] Sea on the west shall be your territory. 5No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you. 6Be strong (confident) and of good courage, for you shall cause this people to inherit the land which I swore to their fathers to give them. 7Only you be strong and very courageous, that you may do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you. Turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go. 8This Book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall deal wisely and have good success. 9Have not I commanded you? Be strong, vigorous, and very courageous. Be not afraid, neither be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:1-9 AMP). God tells Joshua here, be strong and courageous in Joshua 1:6. The reason God tells him to be strong and courageous is “because Joshua will cause Israel to inherit the land which God swore to Abraham! God wanted to bring Israel into the covenant that He created with Abraham! Remember God is a covenant God and everything is about His Covenant, it is about GOD!!! Again in Joshua 1:7 God lifts Joshua up again telling him “ONLY YOU be strong and very courageous” God was not saying only Israel or Joshua’s captains. God was saying you Joshua, you be strong I only need you to be strong, I only need one! Once more God encourages Joshua again to be strong and courageous because God is wanting him to walk in confidence that God is with Joshua as He has been with Moses. Joshua then turned around and told Israel to prepare but he lifted up three tribes, the Reubenites, the Gadites, and the half-tribe of Manasseh. As Joshua lifted up and encouraged those three tribes he instructed them that they would cross over first and as they came into their land, their promises, then they would turn around and bring others of Israel into the promises of God! Joshua SHIFTED!!! He shifted in order that Israel could shift! Likewise the Shulammite shifted in the spirit and saw her lover with her spiritual eyes and seeing him with her spiritual eyes she was awakened to a deeper place within her! She was awakened to her lover! We in the times of sifting are cut off from the natural and turned toward pressing into God where we begin to look with the eyes of our spirit. The Shulammite in doing so was able to reveal her lover without his presence being there! Likewise as we shift we will be able to show Jesus to the world! We are transformed into his image from Glory to Glory! We reveal the Glory of God through the face of Jesus that shines through us!!!! 1WHERE HAS your beloved gone, O you fairest among women? [Again the ladies showed their interest in the remarkable person whom the Shulammite had championed with such unstinted praise; they too wanted to know him, they insisted.] Where is your beloved hiding himself? For we would seek him with you. 2[She replied] My beloved has gone down to his garden, to the beds of spices, to feed in the gardens and to gather lilies. 3I am my beloved's [garden] and my beloved is mine! He feeds among the lilies [which grow there]. (Song of Solomon 6:1-3 AMP). The very women that mocked the Shulammite were now wanting to see her lover! The Shulammite had unveiled her lover to the women through her unstinted love, the infusion of her lover within her and it shows in verse 2 when she replies her lover has gone down to feed in the gardens and gather lilies. She has the veil ripped off of her and sees that she has become the garden for her lover to feed in! He had not left her because her lover was infused in her! They were one!!!! Jesus in restoring Peter was bringing him to the place to remember that Jesus was the vine and Peter was a branch in the vine; Jesus and Peter were one! Jesus had never left Peter, Jesus was infused into Peter! Peter in knowing that was able to be a vessel for the greatest shifting ever! The shifting of the nations to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior. It is when you make this SHIFT THAT YOU BECOME THE SOUND OF HEAVEN! 1AND WHEN the day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all assembled together in one place, 2When suddenly there came a sound from heaven like the rushing of a violent tempest blast, and it filled the whole house in which they were sitting. 3And there appeared to them tongues resembling fire, which were separated and distributed and which settled on each one of them. 4And they were all filled (diffused throughout their souls) with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other (different, foreign) languages (tongues), as the Spirit kept giving them clear and loud expression [in each tongue in appropriate words]. 5Now there were then residing in Jerusalem Jews, devout and God-fearing men from every country under heaven. 6And when this sound was heard, the multitude came together and they were astonished and bewildered, because each one heard them [the apostles] speaking in his own [particular] dialect. The sound from heaven, The rushing violent blast, was HOLY SPIRIT!!! Holy Spirit brought the sound of God into the earth! Moreover, it filled the house!!! It filled the habitation that had been created for the presence of God! As Holy Spirit entered the room there were tongues of fire over those present. Then they were FILLED (DIFUSED THROUGHOUT THEIR SOULS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Their souls had been prepared!!!! And they began to speak clearly and with loud expressions as the Holy Spirit would direct. It was the sound that brought the multitude to the disciples, the sound of hearing their dialects! In the midst of the disciples speaking in their own dialects it was God speaking in their language that was infused through the souls of those given to Holy Spirit that breathed God out on nations!!! Then Peter gave the first message of salvation to the nations present!!!! Peter SHIFTED for the HARVEST!!!! Before God brings in the harvest, He causes a SHIFT to happen so that our souls are prepared for the transition and we are able to enter into the call of God on our life fully by His Holy Spirit! We have allowed the SIFTing of our souls to come forth and be accomplished so that we decrease in order that God can increase! We begin to see with the eyes of the spirit and not our natural eyes! Many people in crossing over are experiencing not only warfare, but after the warfare or in the midst of it there is a SIFTING that without knowing the Word of God you would utterly loose your mind because it is such a pressure against your soul to remove the lies and hindrances out that would interfere with The Call! Therefore, it is a time where we are crossing over as Joshua into the Promises of God and we are seeing it, but it is not without a fight, it is not without a pressing in, it is not without absolutely being established in God’s Word so that Christ in you the hope of all Glory comes forth and makes you a fortified city!!! An Iron Pillar!!!! I call in God’s might to strengthen your inner man in Jesus Name and I declare that you are crossing over NOW in Jesus Name!
“Tell Them, As I live, says the Lord, what you have said in My hearing I will do to you.” GOD’S FINAL PREPARATIONS LEADING INTO PENTECOST. By Robin Kirby-Gatto 6/2/11 Holy Spirit has been showing me that we have been in the midst of trials and tribulations through the different attacks of the enemy waging war against us during the last three months that God has worked ALL THINGS to our good and the attacks have been used in refining us more into the image of Christ Jesus. As I have myself been in repentance and a cleansing state, allowing a deeper circumcision of God in my life, the trial has exposed many things of which I have had to confess to God and repent and allow God to remove it from me ungodly structures and roots in which the enemy of my soul had planted years ago. These structures affected everything in my call, my life, my personality and ministry. God exposed them all in order to separate the chaff in my life from the wheat; the good from the bad. As this process has been ongoing I have heard Holy Spirit continue churning a scripture over and over in my soul that I had spoken for many years until late. I had been saying the scripture over and over in my heart and speaking and praying it the past three days as I use to in the other seasons of my life and the scripture is Numbers 14:28 “Tell them, As I live, says the Lord, what you have said in My hearing I will do to you.” In addition, while that scripture was churning in my heart, it was as though the milk from years past along with God’s Word, was making BUTTER for my soul to taste and see the goodness of God in the land of the Living and Holy Spirit kept bringing to my remembrance when the 12 spies had gone over to spy out the Promise Land and report back to Moses. This is the funny part, the scripture Numbers 14:28 is what I had been declaring and decreeing and with the smallest residue of pride that might have been left in me to sift out before Pentecost (believe me I know I am being funny I am not serious about that because it will be continually exposed till the day I go to Glory) I thought with my scholarly bible knowledge self that I could locate the scripture in which the telling of that particular Old Testament occurrence happened. Well, finally I told Holy Spirit I would have to break down and look at biblegateway in order to do a word search and put in Caleb’s name to locate the scripture. Would you happen to know that it was in Numbers 13 and 14!!!! LOL (Holy Spirit is releasing laughter to right now as you read this; He says you need some anesthesia as you are going through this LOLOLOL). At any rate, I laughed because it was right in the midst of the scripture that had been churning in my soul and spirit “Tell them, As I live, says the Lord, what you have said in My hearing I will do to you.” LOL MY GOODNESS!!! OK GOD show me!! Then God started downloading (giving me revelation and wisdom to open up the eyes of my understanding, better known in our language as “downloading”) me the opportunity, the window that was opening for God’s people to CROSS OVER!!!!!!!!!!! CROSS OVER INTO THE PROMISES OF GOD!!!! However, He showed me not everyone would enter just as the five virgins only five of them had their oil all the way full and the others half-full. Likewise, God started giving me revelation that we are at the point of spying out of seeing God’s Promise Land, the manifestation of His promises in the next two weeks. We are crossing over into it at the time of Pentecost next week but He is getting us prepared to come into that because if we do not get to the point where all doubt and unbelief have been killed in us and we have come to a point where we simply believe Him then we will not be able to enter the Promises of God. The trials and tribulations, the attacks of the enemy, the fire of Holy Spirit have all been a preparation for us getting rid of all pride and self-righteousness that would take any of the glory for any of the Promises of God that we are entering into. Moreover, we have learned that nothing we do will prosper except that God be in it! You will see those who will be as Moses and tell God I don’t want the promises without you! Don’t give me an angel, I WANT YOU PAPA, I WANT YOU ABBA!!! This whole time Holy Spirit has been stirring the spirit of adoption, of sonship whereby we cry out ABBA!!!! Romans 8:15 “For [The Spirit which] you have now received [is] not a spirit of slavery to put you once more in bondage to fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption [the Spirit producing sonship] in [the bliss of] which we cry, Abba (Father)! Father!” God’s Holy Spirit has been stirring us to yearn, to hunger and thirst with righteousness for our PAPA!!! It is the greater move about to hit the earth, where the knowledge of God’s glory will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea and we will see that it is identified not only in Habbkkuk 2:14 but was first spoken in Numbers 14:21 “But truly as I live and as all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord!” God is moving us to a time this Pentecost where He is bringing forth those whom He has made a vessel of Mercy created for His glory to pour out as much as the vessel can hold (Romans 9:23). Therefore, this circumcision of the heart, this deeper inner working of Holy Spirit is causing us to create more room and be a habitation for the glory of the Lord! He has always wanted to dwell and walk with man! He wants communion with His sons and daughters! God wants to walk and talk with us as He did Adam in the Garden of Eden! HE wants to return us back to the Garden of our Lover, of our Love whereby we become a garden in as in Song of Solomon for Him to walk in. “Where has your beloved gone, O you fairest among women? [Again the ladies showed their interest in the remarkable person whom the Shulammite had championed with such unstinted praise; they too wanted to know him, they insisted] Where is your beloved hiding himself? For we would see him with you. [She replied] My beloved has gone down to his garden to the beds of spices, to feed in the gardens to gather the lilies. I am my beloved’s [garden] and my beloved is mine! He feeds among the lilies [which grow there]. He said you are as beautiful as Tisrah [capital of the northern kingdom’s first king], my love, and as comely as Jerusalem [but you are] as terrible as a bannered host!” Song of Solomon 6:1-4. The lover sees the beauty of the garden and becomes ravished with love over the beauty of the Shulammite. It was the process though leading up to the anointing, the spices that created a spice bed, a garden, for the Lover. Likewise, Jesus has brought us to a place of being crucified in Him that it is not longer I that live but Christ in me (Galatians 2:20) and it is in the place of circumcision in this place which has been our Gethsemane where we have fully crucified our will, plans and life! We have become utterly love sick, wrecked, by our Lover, Jesus to be spent out to be a conduit for Him to walk and talk and commune in the fullness of the Godhead, Elohim, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, moving within our being that we have created for God a door through which He can step through from eternity (our hearts) into time, the earth, in order to commune with the inhabitants of the earth and bring in the Harvest! This will be manifested when we come into the fullness of time in Elohim, the fullness of God, and taste the powers of the age to come (Hebrews 6:5) whereby the maturity that we walk in as identified in Ephesians 4:12-13 “His intention was the perfecting and the FULL EQUIPPING of the saints (HIS CONSECRATED PEOPLE), [that they should do] the work of ministering TOWARD BUILDING UP CHRIST’S BODY (THE CHURCH). [That it might develop] UNTIL ALL ATTAIN ONENESS IN THE FAITH AND IN THE COMPREHENSION OF THE [FULL AND ACCURATE] KNOWLEDGE OF THE SON OF GOD, THAT [WE MIGHT ARRIVE] AT REALLY MATURE MANHOOD (THE COMPLETENESS OF THE PERSONALITY WHICH IS NOTHING LES THAN THE STANDARD HEIGHT OF CHRIST’S OWN PERFECTION0, THE MEASURE OF THE STATURE OF THE FULLNESS OF THE CHRIST AND THE COMPLETENESS FOUND IN HIM! God is maturing His sons and daughters in the fullness of Christ Jesus Who is one with God and Holy Spirit! The fullness of the Godhead, Elohim, residing in the Christ, who is Son of God and Son of Man, demonstrating the way in which we are to mature into the image of God! Hallelujah it is back to Genesis 1 where God (Elohim) created man in His image! Woo hoo Glory to God I feel like shouting and running and flying if that were possible! With that being stated by Holy Spirit to where this circumcision is taking us, the deeper work in which then God begins to call to deep places within us where deep calls unto deep, is where we are in this moment of time, for those who are in the preparation of the virgins who had their oil all the way full! We are not settling for just enough! We are desperate; we cannot be satisfied with anything less than more of Him and less of me! Where Jesus increases in us and we decrease! The virgins who had their lamps halfway full were the ones who settled for going to church whereas the virgins [Matthew 25:1-13] who had their oil full would not settle until they became the church! That is Ephesians 4! That is what Christ did when He ascended Jesus gave the administrations of the five fold ministry to equip the saints to become an abiding place, for Christ Jesus, a part of the Body of Christ, intricately woven into the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming out of heaven in Revelation 21:10-27, creating a Holy City that is undefiled and that has been washed, a Holy Habitation, for the glorious presence of God! This Old Testament occurrence of the spies spying out the Promise Land can be likened to the ten virgins and moreover, while we are in this turnkey opportunity, a kairos time, with God at this season of Pentecost it is going to be very much the same incident where the only people at this time who will enter into the Promises of God, which are yes and Amen, are those who have been emptied out of themselves and void of who they are only to create more room, habitation, for God! Moreover, the defining character trait between the two different groups will be that one group, like the five virgins with their oil half-full are still in captivity to doubt and unbelief while those like the virgins with the oil all the way full are so full of Faith and have cast off double mindedness whereby there would be a hindrance in entering God’s promises! The challenges that we are looking at presently appear impossible and that is because they are! The only way we will have breakthrough in our life and come into God’s Promises is simply because of GOD!!!!!! We have simply yielded a life, a vessel for Him to completely possess and fill to pour out on others, to commune with others, to fill others, to set the captive free and bind up the broken hearted!!!!! Let us look at the story of the ten virgins after the telling of the spies that spied out the Promise Land. Numbers 13: 1 And the Lord said to Moses, 2 Send men to explore and scout out [for yourselves] the land of Canaan, which I give to the Israelites. From each tribe of their fathers you shall send a man, everyone a leader or head among you. We see here God is wanting to bring Israel into the Promise Land, Canaan, which in Hebrew Canaan means to be humiliated, to bend the knee. Although it was the promise of God to bring them into a rich land, into prosperity, in order to stay in the place and position of God’s wealthy place it would require maintaining humility in the midst of it. It was not when Israel was wretched that they turned away from God it was always when they began to prosper, they forgot where they came from! They forgot they were the most rejected, despised, downcast nation that was picked up and washed off by the Living God and given God’s covenant! Therefore, this deeper circumcision of the heart is to bring us to where the depths of that place of bondage and captivity, the beginning and root of them is exposed to the light, whereby Holy Spirit delivers us so that we are a bondslave of God, a prisoner of God (Zechariah 9:12 Return to the stronghold you prisoners of hope; even today I declare I will restore double your prosperity). Job was given a double portion of his former prosperity! Holy Spirit told me to look deeper and look at the names of the 12 spies to see what their names represented. He had me go to the Hebrew word and root word of the names in the concordance and began to give me revelation. Also, remember in the prior notes done the last week of May where Holy Spirit had me do the notes on the Behemoth and Leviathan and coming judgments of God, it all leads to a manifestation of God’s covenant, God’s promises in the earth as it already is in heaven. Therefore, this process is a judgment of God, a decision for or against! It rains on the wicked and on the righteous and the judgments of God are raining upon us right now but they are leading us to the Covenant of God being manifested in our lives, whereby His Glory will be seen upon us and we ARISE AND SHINE FOR OUR LIGHT HAS COME! The names of the tribes are: Shammua meaning to stun Shaphat meaning to judge Caleb meaning to yelp Igal meaning avenger Joshua meaning God will save Palti meaning delivered Gaddiel meaning Fortune of God Gaddi meaning Fortunate Ammiel meaning People of God Sethur meaning Hidden Nahbi meaing to hide And Geuel meaning excellent Holy Spirit showed me with the twelve spies, being sent of Israel, demonstrate God wanting to Ephesians 3:20 (STUN) them to see that He was able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above what they could think or imagine! Holy Spirit showed me that He was sending them forth to JUDGE the goodness of God, the Fortune of God, knowing that what He has hidden (it is the Glory of God to conceal a thing and the glory of the king to search it out) he would unveil if they would walk in the fullness of God’s salvation that has already delivered them from bondage (Egypt) and become excellent (Holy) as the living God. Moreover, God wanted them to herald the message, YELP, spreading the good news about the Goodness of God, THE DAY OF THE LORD'S FAVOR THE DAY OF VENGEANCE OF OUR GOD! All satan has cared about is trying to make God look like a bad and one absolute that we have to rooted and grounded in the love of Christ in is that GOD IS ABSOLUTELY GOOD! You know the story the twelve spies go over and scout out THE LAND. They scouted the Land from the wilderness of Zin (Meaning to Prick) of Rehob, to the entrance of Hamath (A wall of Protection). The coming into the scouting was prophetic and we will get back to that. As they were there they found the cluster of grapes so large they had to carry them on a pole between two people! That is some big grapes! LOL. The scouting period lasted 40 days. The time of looking over into the promises, of gazing of tasting and seeing the goodness of God was a 40 day period. Here the report given to Moses from the spies was that it did flow with milk and honey, it was determined and judged to be a prosperous land, therefore, the spies all agreed to the report of the goodness of God’s Promises. However, the report turned when it came to the inhabitants of the land. Ten of the spies agreed that the land, the inhabitants, devour those that try and come into the land, the crush them, stating they were like giants and we were grasshoppers, small. With the negative or bad report a yelp came out from who else, Caleb, the yelper! He exclaims immediately when the report about the cities and the inhabitants “Let us go up at once and posses it; we are well able to conquer it.” (Numbers 13:30). However, the bad report was already sifting those who believed from those who believed. It was showing the double mindedness of whether or not God can do what He says He is going to do, that God is a God of Covenant! HE IS A GOD THAT KEEPS HIS WORD HIS PROMISES WHICH ARE YES AND AMEN! As a result, the entire congregation of people were showing who their master was when they accused Moses and Aaron, stating "it would have been better for them to die in Egypt than to be in the wilderness." The people who believed the bad report were even talking about returning to Egypt! Moses and Aaron fell in low estate before God and Joshua and Caleb rent their clothes at the apostasy of the crowd! Then Joshua and Caleb begin to give the GOOD REPORT “the land through which we passed as scouts is an exceedingly good land. If the Lord delights in us, then He will bring us into this land and give it to us, a land flowing with milk and honey.” (Numbers 14:7-8). The congregation gets stirred up more and want to stone Joshua and Caleb, the names who combined, mean to Declare (yelp) the Salvation of God! It was only due to the manifestation of God’s glory that appeared at the Tent of Meeting before Israel that stopped the stoning of the two witnesses. Moreover, God was spurned to anger by the bad report the complaining that He wanted to smite the people and make a great nation of Moses (Numbers 14:12). However, Moses pleaded to God to have mercy and not kill the people so God pardoned the people according to Moses’ word. (Numbers 14:20). God had demonstrated His glory in bringing them out of bondage from Egypt and they tested God and still did not heed God’s voice. God therefore determined that those who gave a bad report would not see the Promise Land, but only those who gave the good report! And we get to the scripture again Numbers 14:28 “TELL THEM, AS I LIVE, SAYS THE LORD, WHAT YOU SAY IN MY HEARING I WILL DO UNTO YOU.” The door to the Promise Land was SHUT to those who gave a bad report! They could not and did not enter the promises of God! We are at this time in this week and next week leading up to Pentecost where no matter what the enemy of our soul tells us we can only give a good report and believe the good report because God is separating His Church, those with belief will be on one side and those full of unbelief will be on the other side. This is identified further because in order for the fullness of the Kingdom of Heaven to come this separation must take place. Matthew 25:1 Then the Kingdom of Heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went to meet the bride-groom 2 Five of them were foolish (thoughtless, without forethought) and five were wise (sensible, intelligent, any [extra] oil with them; 4 But the wise took flasks of oil along with them [also] with their lamps. 5 While the bridegroom lingered and was slow in coming, they all began nodding their heads and they fell asleep. 6 But at midnight (LOLOLOL I cannot stop laughing here but this is so timely) there was a SHOUT, BEHOLD, THE BRIDEGROOM! GO OUT AND MEET HIM! 7 Then all those virgins got up and put their own lamps in order. 8 And the foolish said to the wise, give us some of your oil, for our lamps our going out. 9 But the wise replied, There will not be enough for us and for you; go instead to the dealers and buy for yourselves. 10 But while they were going away to buy, the bridegroom came and THOSE WHO WERE PREPARED WENT IN WITH HIM to the marriage feast and the door was shut. 11 Later the other virgins also came and said, Lord, Lord open [the door] to us. 12 But He replied I solemnly declare to you, I do not know you [I am not acquainted with you] Watch therefore, [give strict attention and be cautious and active] for you know neither the day nor the hour the Son of Man will come. The main focus of this scripture is the return of Jesus Christ that only God knows of when Jesus’ return will be. However, Holy Spirit showed me the implications of even this hour as it relates to the promises of God, the manifestation of God’s goodness His Covenant, His glory in our lives. The five foolish virgins were the ones who did not want to go through the process of being prepared, not by ourselves, but by Holy Spirit, by God! They did not want to pay the price of the cost in building the Holy City within them, of becoming the garden of Jesus, the Lover of our soul whereby we would commune and fellowship with Him and know Him intimately! God showed me likewise this time in the next two weeks are to press into more of Jesus, knowing Him deeper and richer, knowing that is process, that the attacks of the enemy, God’s fire, the trials and tribulations are part of the preparedness in bringing all defilement of doubt and unbelief out of us! Because it is only going to be those who give the good report that will enter into the promises of God at the time of Pentecost, which is next week a period going from June 8th to June 12th. Holy Spirit showed me that the door to God’s promises the turnkey time was opening and that we are standing at the door now. He then showed me June 6, 2011 that we would begin walking through the door and by June 12th we would be fully into the door of God’s Hope, of God’s Promises and that those who missed this window of opportunity would be left out. God is not playing church anymore because it is time for the harvest to come in! HE IS WANTING US TO BE THE CHURCH, THE REAL CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST THAT WOULD ENTER THE PROMISES OF GOD, THE WEALTHY PLACE, KNOWING WHERE WE CAME FROM, THE JOY OF OUR SALVATION AND BEING A VESSEL OF MERCY FOR HIS GLORY TO …. Bring Forth Isaiah 61: THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD GOD IS UPON ME BECAUSE THE LORD HAS ANOINTED AND QUALIFIED ME TO PREACH THE GOSPEL OF GOOD TIDINGS TO THE MEEK, THE POOR, AND THE AFFLICTED; HE HAS SENT ME TO BIND UP AND HEAL THE BROKENHEARTED, TO PROCLAIM LIBERTY TO THE [PHYSICAL AND SPIRITUAL] CAPTIVES AND THE OPENING OF THE PRISON AND OF THE EYES OF THOSE WHO ARE BOUND…… TO PROCLAIM THE ACCEPTABLE YEAR OF THE LORD [THE YEAR OF HIS FAVOR] AND THE DAY OF VENGEANCE OF OUR GOD, TO COMFORT ALL WHO MOURN. TO GRANT [CONSOLATION AND JOY] TO THOSE WHO MOURN IN ZION TO GIVE THEM AN ORNAMENT (A GARLAND OR DIADEM) OF BEAUTY INSTEAD OF ASHES, THE OIL OF JOY INSTEAD OF MOURNING. THE GARMENT [EXPRESSIVE] OF PRAISE IN STEAD OF HEAVY, BURDENED, AND FAILING SPIRIT THAT THEY MAY BE CALLED OAKS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS [LOFTY, STRONG, AND MAGNIFICENT, DISTINGUISHED FOR UPRIGHTNESS, JUSTICE, AND RIGHT STANDING WITH GOD] THE PLANTING OF THE LORD, THAT HE MAY BE GLORIFIED. ISAIAH 61:1-3 AMP. I declare unto you that you are going into a deeper circumcision of Holy Spirit so that all ungodly roots, ungodly covenants, ungodly structures are removed by God in Jesus Name! I declare that all the crooked places will be made straight the valleys raised up and the mountains lowered so that there will be smooth place to PREPARE THE WAY OF THE LORD in your life to bring you into His Promises which are YES and AMEN! I declare that all double mindedness in you is destroyed by the Blood of Jesus Christ and I take the Sword of the Spirit to cut the cords to the spirit of doubt and unbelief and command it to loose you and go into the Abyss in Jesus Name! I call in Holy Spirit Truth, the Spirit of Truth, to infuse all of your soul and your spirit and your body and bring you into God’s alignment, His truth for you and His people in Jesus Name! God says Hold On For I the Living God will bring you into the season of suddenlies where I will lift you out of that pit, out of that prison and will promote you overnight to the place for which you were destined to be, a place of Greatness for the Living God! He says be not dismayed that patience is having its perfect work and look only to Him Who is the perfecter of your faith, knowing that your faith is increasing and that God will bring you into the fullness of your destiny, the fullness of time in order to bring heaven to earth! Go forth Dreaded Champion and cause the hordes of hell to tremble and bring in the knowledge of God’s Glory! I love you! Robin Kirby-Gatto Even in the past two weeks God has had me declaring and decreeing that Rich and I come into God’s wealthy place! The place of abundance, the place of prosperity as identified in Deuteronomy 28. Copyright 2011 (Permission is granted to print the work as long as author’s name is included). ©
The Attack of Behemoth and Leviathan and the Judgments of God. Part 3 By Robin Kirby-Gatto 5/26/11 In regard to the attack of Behemoth that lends a hand with Leviathan to bring an attack against the body of Christ is to attack God’s destiny in your life, God’s plan to prosper you to give you a hope and a future. In the book of Job, Job begins with demonstrating a righteousness that is different from others in his time, so much, that God even brags on Job. 6 One day the angels came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came with them. 7 The LORD said to Satan, “Where have you come from?” Satan answered the LORD, “From roaming throughout the earth, going back and forth on it.” 8 Then the LORD said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil.” Job 1:6-8 AMP. Here God is bragging on Job to satan. It was due to God’s bragging that satan made mention of the hedge of protection that had yet been around Job so as to keep satan from attacking him. However, it was at this point that God allowed satan to have opportunity to touch Job. The ultimate end was for God to bring Job forth in a greater measure of righteousness, one not of human form, but one of God Himself by obtaining a deeper revelation of the Living God, Whom Job served. 9 “Does Job fear God for nothing?” Satan replied. 10 “Have you not put a hedge around him and his household and everything he has? You have blessed the work of his hands, so that his flocks and herds are spread throughout the land. 11 But now stretch out your hand and strike everything he has, and he will surely curse you to your face.” 12 The LORD said to Satan, “Very well, then, everything he has is in your power, but on the man himself do not lay a finger.” Job 1:9-12 AMP. After the attack against Job’s family killing his sons and daughters and losing all of his wealth. Even in the midst of that trial God states Job did not sin or charge God with wrongdoing. Even further satan is given permission that he can touch Job’s health but not take his life and even when Job’s wife stated that he should curse God, Job replied to his wife “You are talking like a foolish woman. Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?” Job 2:10 AMP. It was afterward when Job’s “friends” came to “comfort” Job. Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite. It was when they heard of Job’s plight that they determined to go meet together and comfort Job. However, when they meet with Job their gathering only points fingers of condemnation toward Job and are not that of revealing God to him. Rather, they are agreeing that Job’s plight is due to his sin. However, prior to the beginning of this entire series of attacks of the enemy Job was considered a blameless man, one who feared God and was upright. However, once Job’s plight was seen by his friends the self pity, self righteousness that was inside of him began to be exposed to the light and evident. In essence they were “saying things that sound truthful” but their motives to “comfort” Job with words that sound like truths were to point at their own righteousness indirectly and glory in Job’s plight and horrific circumstances and make themselves feel so righteous and good as compared to Job. They were spiritually coming to plunge the knife in deeper in Job’s soul and twisting around and around, bringing job more discouragement and hopelessness, this is identified in Job 13 & 16, when Job wishes the three friends would have never bothered. However, this is likened to the attack of Behemoth because it is the same attack where people who are bound in self-righteousness gloat in your trouble and plight, joining together to discuss the issue and moreover acting as though they care when their motives are not pure only to accompany you and bring you further discouragement and hopelessness by flogging you with condemnation and lifting themselves up. It is here that we have to guard our hearts so we have discernment by Holy Spirit to understand the motives of those who see the stripping process we are going through because God has been bragging on us and satan has been given permission by God to sift us. It is in the midst of that sifting that those who have a spirit of self-righteousness, religion, will be all to happy that it looks as though you are reaping a harvest of judgment from God, while they look at all appearances as walking in God’s blessings. Moreover, then the righteous friends who came to comfort job start telling him how much of a sinner he is. This is too funny, who would want these kind of friends? However this is how Behemoth operates. I have seen this spirit at times have a face like that of joker off of Batman, it’s face in the spirit looks like that of the Joker, this is seen in Job 30:1 where he says the young men mock him. Behemoth loves to mock in the face of those who are under the stripping of God and it looks as though their destiny is further away than ever imagined. However, what the enemy doesn’t realize is that he is literally accelerating your walking into your destiny because it is in that stripping that God strips you of all self-righteousness and trusts you to walk in His ways, His will and plans for your life. Elihu, who speaks with God’s wisdom answers Job and confronts him about claiming to be righteous. 8 “But you have said in my hearing— I heard the very words— ‘I am pure, I have done no wrong; I am clean and free from sin. 10 Yet God has found fault with me; he considers me his enemy. 11 He fastens my feet in shackles; he keeps close watch on all my paths.’ Job 33:8-11. NIV However, Job is awakened to his righteousness that is like filthy rags. It is through the revelation of know who God is and His ways that Job is illumined where it is not only in Job hearing God but now he sees God. He sees the righteousness of God and it exposes his righteousness that is filthy rags. 1 Then Job replied to the LORD: 2 “I know that you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted. You asked, ‘Who is this that obscures my plans without knowledge?’ Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know. 4 “You said, ‘Listen now, and I will speak; I will question you, and you shall answer me.’ My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes.” Job 42:1-4 NIV. In addition, God’s anger was kindled towards those who had wrongfully come against Job, Job’s “friends” and He required of them a sacrifice to repent of their sinful acts. God informed the three friends of Job that He would hear Job’s prayer on their behalf and not their prayers for themselves. Therefore, it was after Job prayed for the three friends that then he received a double portion of all that he had lost. This double portion is seen in Zechariah 9:12 12Return to the stronghold [of security and prosperity], you prisoners of hope; even today do I declare that I will restore double your former prosperity to you. Therefore, it is through the attacks of Leviathan and Behemoth whereby it preludes the execution of God’s judgment. In court when a judgment is rendered it is either a judgment for you or against you. Therefore, for God’s covenant to be manifested in our lives what we are asking God to do is render a decision for us, a judgment for us. Therefore, for God’s covenant to be manifested we enter into a time of the attacks of the enemy whereby it strips us of ungodly characters and behaviors causing us to be refined, and we count it all joy, that the testing of our faith which is more precious than gold is being tested. The neat thing is what Holy Spirit showed me about the combination of Leviathan and Behemoth attacking the body of Christ. I opened my book, The Book of Enoch, and when I opened the book there was the identification regarding the revelation Enoch received regarding Leviathan and Behemoth. This book is not of the Bible but is considered by many scholars to be accurate writings of Enoch who was the son of Jared, in the lineage of Adam, the first man. In Genesis 5:24 the Word of God states “and Enoch walked (in habitual fellowship) with God; and he was not, for God took him (home with Him) Amp. Therefore, this Enoch identified is the author of The Book of Enoch Chapter 59:1-8; 10; 29. “In the five hundredth year, and in the seventh month, on the fourteenth day of the month, of the lifetime of Enoch, in that parable, I saw that the heaven of heavens shook; that it shook violently; and that the powers of the Most High, and the angels, thousand of thousands, and myriads of myriads were agitated with great agitation. And when I looked, the Ancient of Days was sitting on the throne of His glory, while the angels and the saints were standing around Him. A great trembling came upon me, and terror seized me. My loins were bowed down and loosened, my reins were dissolved; and I fell upon my face. The holy Michael, another holy angel, one of the holy ones, was sent who raised me up. And when he raised me my spirit returned; for I was incapable of enduring this vision of violence, its agitation and the concussion of heaven. Then holy Michael said to me; Wherefore art thou disturbed at this vision? Hitherto has existed the day of mercy; and He has been merciful and long suffering towards all who dwell upon the earth. But when the time shall come, then shall the power, the punishment, and the judgment take place, which the Lord of the spirits (we are considered “the spirits”)has prepared for those who prostrate themselves to the JUDGMENT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, for those who abjure that judgment and for those who take His name in vain. THAT DAY HAS BEEN PREPARED FOR THE ELECT AS A DAY OF COVENANT; AND FOR SINNERS AS A DAY OF INQUISITION. IN THAT DAY SHALL BE DISTRIBUTED FOR FOOD TWO TIGERS; A FEMALE TIGER, WHOSE NAME IS LEVIATHAN DWELLING IN THE DEPTHS OF THE SEA, ABOVE THE SPRINGS OF WATERS AND A MALE, WHOSE NAME IS BEHEMOTH WHICH POSSESSES, MOVING ON HIS BREAST, THE INVISIBLE WILDERNESS. ……. THEN I ASKED OF ANOTHER ANGEL TO SHEW ME THE POWER OF THOSE TIGERS, HOW THEY BECOME SEPARATED ON THE SAME DAY, ONE BEING IN THE DEPTHS OF THE SEA AND ONE IN THE DRY DESERT. …… AND THE ANGEL OF PEACE, WHO WAS WITH ME, SAID: THESE TWO MONSTERS ARE BY THE POWER OF GOD PREARED TO BECOME FOOD THAT THE PUMISHMENT OF GOD MAY NOT BE IN VAIN. … AFTER THAT, JUDGMENT SHALL EXIST WITH MERCY AND LONG-SUFFERING. That is when God started showing me, giving me revelation as to His logic in activating covenant. As God prepares to manifest His covenant with man there is a judgment that has to be rendered in order to activate the covenant. It can be likened to one going before a judge stating they wanted their inheritance. Before the inheritance could be enforced, manifested, a judge would have to render judgment for that person stating they would be entitled to the inheritance, to justice, to their blessings. Likewise when we want God’s destiny for our lives it’s a preparation time in which we are preparing to come before the Righteous Judge, God. Therefore, in order to come to God in such a time there has to be a preparation process whereby we are purified to come before a righteous God not in our own righteousness but in the righteousness of Jesus Christ to receive our covenant with God. The judgment it describes in The Book of Enoch is a “Judgment of Righteousness” and it describes this day of the “Judgment of Righteousness” to be a day for God’s ELECT AS A DAY OF COVENANT! Therefore, for God to enforce, manifest, bring forth His right arm to bring His Covenant there is a judgment process, and the process of judgment is RIGHTEOUSNESS. It is brought forth by the attack of the two tigers Enoch saw, the two beasts, Leviathan and Behemoth whereby God’s people, the spirits, will have food distributed, which is identified below in Psalm 74, Leviathan and Behemoth. God will have slain these two beasts and distribute the food to the saints of God so that God’s punishment will not be in vain. God punishes our adversaries who come against us, and touch the apple of God’s eye. His Jealousy is aroused to bring scorn against the enemy. Holy Spirit showed me the very attack of the enemy against us, Leviathan and Behemoth, is what our food becomes. We gain a greater understanding of our authority in Christ Jesus as God states in the Word, 53 For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. 54 When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: “Death has been swallowed up in victory.” 55 “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” 1 Corinthians 15:33-35. This feasting is symbolic of us swallowing up death in the victory of Christ Jesus! What had been our adversary, what had swallowed us up, Leviathan and Behemoth has now become our dinner! LOL. What was meant to destroy us is actually what made us stronger!!!! Psalm 74 NIV states how God crushes Leviathan and gives it as food to the creatures of the desert. As we go through the desert with the attacks of Behemoth, the beast of the desert, the prior tests we have gone through where Leviathan has attacked us our sustenance, the Word of God in the victory over Leviathan is what also gets us through the attack of Behemoth. That is why these two demonic powers attack side by side, usually Leviathan first and then along side Behemoth comes along to attack God’s people. However, the food in the midst of the attack of Behemoth, God provides our last victory we had over death, over Leviathan, so that we can taste the victory and see it over Behemoth! 12 But God is my King from long ago; he brings salvation on the earth. 13 It was you who split open the sea by your power; you broke the heads of the monster in the waters. 14 It was you who crushed the heads of Leviathan and gave it as food to the creatures of the desert. 15 It was you who opened up springs and streams; you dried up the ever-flowing rivers. 16 The day is yours, and yours also the night; you established the sun and moon. 17 It was you who set all the boundaries of the earth; you made both summer and winter. 18 Remember how the enemy has mocked you, LORD, how foolish people have reviled your name. 19 Do not hand over the life of your dove to wild beasts; do not forget the lives of your afflicted people forever. 20 Have regard for your covenant, because haunts of violence fill the dark places of the land. 21 Do not let the oppressed retreat in disgrace; may the poor and needy praise your name. 22 Rise up, O God, and defend your cause; remember how fools mock you all day long. 23 Do not ignore the clamor of your adversaries, the uproar of your enemies, which rises continually. However, the sweetest thing above all is that we get God as our great reward!!!! We have Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Father God to bring us into the manifestation of the covenant, LOL the place where Behemoth’s mouth is at is the Jordan, which is the crossing over into the Promise Land, into God’s promises! Therefore, as we have gone through having pride removed out of our soul by being humbled or humbling ourselves and as we come to be stripped of our own righteousness we are being prepared for God’s JUDGMENT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS that for us, GOD’S ELECT IS A DAY OF COVENANT! A DAY OF THE MANIFESTATION OF GOD’S PROMISES IN OUR LIVES! I DECLARE FOR YOU THAT EVERY ASSIGNMENT OF BEHEMOTH AND LEVIATHAN IS NOW BECOMING A YOUR FOOD AS YOU SWALLOW UP DEATH BY THE VICTORY OF CHRIST JESUS IN YOUR LIFE IN JESUS NAME! I DECLARE YOU WALK IN THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF CHRIST JESUS AND NOT IN YOUR OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS IN JESUS NAME! I DECLARE GOD’S PROMISES FOR YOU ARE YES AND AMEN! I DECLARE EVERY LYING SPIRIT THAT IS ATTACKING YOUR SOUL, YOUR MIND, AND YOUR BODY IS CUT ASSUNDER BY GOD HIMSELF AND THE ANOINTING OF HOLY SPIRIT DESTROYS THOSE ATTACKS COMING AGAINST YOU IN JESUS NAME! I DECLARE YOU ARE NOW WALKING INTO THE PROMISES OF GOD WHICH ARE YES AND AMEN AND YOU ARE CROSSING OVER INTO THE PROMISES GOD NOW IN JESUS NAME! I DECLARE AS YOU PREPARE FOR PENTECOST THAT GOD MANIFEST HIS COVENANT IN YOUR LIFE, YOUR FAMILY’S LIFE, YOUR MINISTRY AND CHURCH IN JESUS NAME!!!! GLORY TO GOD!!!!!!!!!!! Copyright 2011. (You can print and reproduce with the author’s name attached to the work).

Copyright 2011, Robin Kirby Gatto