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I hear the Father saying My child you are entering a new season that has been planned for you from days of Old, the Ancient Days of that which is Eternal and I tell you that the finest anointing and glory of your era is about to be poured out, as I have fashioned you in the palm of my hand with the quickness of speed as a messenger of grace and of purpose so that many would know Me. I have allowed the trying of your faith, as satan asked permission to sift you. I having prepared you before hand, allowed you to go through this fire, knowing that it would all the more cause a greater wellspring of My love to rise up in you, as you came from what seemed a watery pit of battle, but by My grace you did rise and obtained a greatness of the resurrection of My Son, to know the Victory that has been won. Your eyes have been opened as I have awakened you to the form of My glory and the likeness of My Word you so desperately desire to see revealed. I Am truth and righteousness in you, as you grow stronger in spirit and pick up your cross, following My Son, to know the power of the journey that led to His crucifixion but all the more to His resurrection! You have only required of Me that which you desperately needed. Thus, the trial where you were sifted like grain by the enemy was allowed to cause a greater need of My grace and My power, as you began to groan like Hannah and like David, for the power of the living God; you panted like a deer for the water brook in the dry season knowing there was a grace available but not made known until this trial. I have led you this way by My Spirit, giving you strength and power even in your weakness. You know me greater than you can imagine, as you have been sifted through the trials and tribulations and even tempted by the tempter to be like Adam and Eve in the garden and eat the fruit that leads to death. You chose to not listen to the voice that distorts My Word and instead resisted the temptation and have overcome the death that the enemy longed for you to bite into. You resisted the temptation as grace was given to you. As My Son was ministered by angels when He overcame the cunning one, I too am sending My angels to minister to you! You have been in the wilderness to overcome the temptations of accuser, which are the pride of life, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and I tell you My child you have overcome! Now i am enduing you with a power from on High that many long for but have not tasted because they have not been that vessel that has been prepared and fashioned for My glory. These trials and sufferings you have endured, as you were slandered, falsely accused and misunderstood that led to many despising you, is the place of My greater glory, as I release to you the greatness and depth of My anointing of resurrection power! Wait on Me, be still and know that I am coming quickly through My message of hope and grace, which will shine forth the increased power of My glory to release to you in this hour! I am shaking the nations in this hour and you will truly know those who are for Me and those who are against Me. I have sent you My wise ones in this hour to guide and direct My church into the place of safety and security, under the shadow of the Almighty, as a greater grace is given to discern the hour you are in among the sons of man. Ask for My wisdom and grace in this hour and know I will hear you and answer you, lifting you up in a greater anointing of My strength as I feed you My Word, praise will be on your lips as you taste the sweetness of My Word in power and truth that will sustain you in the days ahead. I am leading you a way that you have not known; you would have never chosen this path, but I have fashioned you when you were in your mother's womb to be a child of My Promise for this very hour. Rise up and walk in the hour of greatness where I make the hearts of the sons of man great! GLORY TO GOD I RECEIVE! AMEN AND AMEN! Robin Kirby Gatto (sons of man here means everyone, men and women)
I hear the Father saying: I gave you your personality, do not try to conform or fit in with others, feeling as though you do not measure up. I have fearfully and wonderfully made you, as My design was in heaven before the foundations of the earth, knowing that I would put you in your mother's womb for a day of greatness and triumph to be seen as a brilliant light in the earth. You are my witness of truth and of power, at the revealing of My Mighty Name, causing others to see there is Grace and because of Grace there is a Savior Who died for them. Do not think it strange in this hour at the fiery trial you are enduring for I tell you My child that I have to prepare you for the glory that is coming. The richness of faith that will be required for things to come is causing you to be fashioned like a sword of a mighty man in My hand, so I will wield you and you will willing lay down your life, as I cut asunder the powers of darkness through you, knowing the richness of your faith is being rewarded with an anointing of righteousness you have not known in this measure. For the richness of faith and My glory will be revealed suddenly as you find yourself in a state of humility you have not known because of the working of the trials that have fashioned you into a more brilliant light of My Love and Wisdom. You are at the height of the greatest hour in your lifetime as you see the laid plans of man revealed, who thought they could overcome My plans for your life, only realizing that the very threshing floor on which you laid, and were mocked in your trial, will be the place I will lift you up and bring the enemy under your feet, as all will know you are loved by Me and are my instrument of praise in the earth! I have trained your hands to war but now in this hour there is a greater anointing of spiritual warfare on you, as you have realized the weapons of your warfare are the throwing down of strongholds and I tell you although your mind has been assaulted by the messengers of satan, I tell you My child is was for your betterment so that you would be prepared for the power of My Glory, the New Anointing! I will surely exalt your horn like a wild ox and give you the new anointing, the fresh anointing of power and My glory in this hour, as you are a reflection of the Light of Truth, My Son, revealing His glory and grace to those lost in darkness! The battles you have won have been great but there are more still and I tell you I will lay bare the plans of the enemy because you walk in greater grace, power and strength in My Word of Truth. You know My Ways and you walk in the Narrow Way, revealing the strength of my Love. Hold on My child, for I am moving quickly as I come in strength and power and what has been your demise where you were despised will be the place where I will make the greatest deposit in your life, of the Power and Glory of My Grace! AMEN AND AMEN! GOD BLESS YOU! Robin Kirby Gatto
As I was in prayer this morning I felt the leading of our Lord and Savior to encourage the Bride: Dearly Beloved, who I call my own know that I see every tear that falls from your eyes. As you are in the place of trying and testing, knowing what I felt as I went to the cross, that place of rejection and being despised, know that I bore the shame for you so that you would not have to. Do not let the shame of the enemy attach itself to your soul, during this trying of your faith, but wake up to the form of My glory and My Father’s Name, which feeds you in His mighty strength to know the power of the promise. You have asked for the promise, and therefore you are now going through the persecution and the preparation in order to be fully Mine. There have been things in your heart that have pulled on you, causing you at times to be divided with the power of My truth and I tell you that even you do not know what is hidden in your heart, but I do. It is this trying of your faith in the hour you find yourself, where you will begin to rejoice and dance at this place of purification and sanctification as I show you off the powers of your enemy that will be intimidated by you; they will see only Me. That which you have clung to so tightly in wanting the approval of others, is being stripped from you as you find out that you have already been approved in Me by the Father. I walked this way, and did I not say that you would have to pick up your cross and follow me? If you follow Me in laying down your life and losing it, you will gain more than you could ever know of the eternal and that which is true, of My Father that will be revealed to you in this hour. I have given you a voice that is not your own but it is the voice of My Love through the Father, Who is Love, and Loved the world so much that He would send Me. This Love is coming greatly upon My Church in this hour as the power of truth and righteousness rises in a greater anointing to reveal My Father and glorify My Name. All that I did on the earth was to glorify My Father and you, my child, will glorify the Father through the shame you have endured and being despised, knowing the rejection that I felt. You too, have been rejected by your own (the brethren) and I tell you that it is that very rejection that will enlarge your heart in this hour and allow the infilling of the greatness of My Name, so that your light will come in greater measure and as I told My disciples to walk in the light, surely you will know the greatness of My light and others will walk in it. I will bring nations to the brightness of your rising, which required you to lose your life all the more and be wholly given to my plans, as many come unto the anointing of the Power of My Marvelous Light out of the kingdom of darkness. The kingdom of darkness knows your name and has marked you as its enemy and that is what you have battled, not man. Forgive others as I have forgiven you and know that I am coming suddenly in power with a greater anointing upon your life as I reveal Who I am, the Word, in power and in truth and Greater Wisdom to baptize you in the Holy Spirit and Fire. This fire is that of revival and it will make those who are dead (spiritually), alive, as you speak to the dry bones and prophesy strength of heaven that will supernaturally be supplied to you in grace and in virtue as you have followed Me. Do not despise the day of small beginnings for I tell you that I am lifting you up in this hour into a place of the promise My Father has spoken so you will enter the plans and purposes that have always been destined for you. Love Me as I have loved you and Love one another, for by this the world will know that you are My disciples. AMEN AND AMEN! God bless! Robin Kirby-Gatto

Copyright 2011, Robin Kirby Gatto