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WAKE UP by Robin Kirby-Gatto 5/17/11 WAKE UP to the next dimension of God's faith, power, and demonstration of Holy Spirit in this time! WAKE UP to see the manifested knowledge of God's glory cover the earth!!! It is here, it is here, it is here says the Living God! Can you see with the eyes of one who would judge righteously, who would look at the poor in spirit across the earth and bring forth the dimension of My Love, My Faith, My Wonder Working Power to break their chains, to annihilate the plots, assignments and plans of the enemy. The enemy has plans to bring an all out assault in the next week against the Church but this plan will not prosper, says the Spirit of the Living God! God says that I Am working to bring forth My Dreaded Champions who know who they are in My Son, Christ Jesus, and will walk with the weight and authority of heaven! God says that we are moving forward in this season to bring forth a move of His restoration into the earth to come against every demonic assignment of the enemy! God says yes it is the time for restoration, the time for new beginnings, the time to see God's Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven! God said that a new dimension, a new time, a new era is springing forth, do you perceive it? The next move of God's Spirit will bring many of the prodigals home and then after the token of the prodigals, for God's harvest has manifested, then the GREAT HARVEST will come forth! God says you have seen the first blade of the harvest but now you will see the completeness of this great move of souls coming into the kingdom! I hear God saying that we have endured a demonic assault of many ruling powers coming together to confuse the Church and bring distractions so that many would be unable to see the coming harvest. God says that He is releasing provision for the vision. Many of His children will be promoted overnight in the next three weeks from the prison to the palace. It is like that in the time of Joseph when he was in the prison and overnight he was promoted to be second in command. It is like that of the time of Esther where one day she was an ordinary woman and the next day she was queen. God says overnight My people will be promoted into their place, their destiny, and it will be evident to many who the leaders of this next move of Holy Spirit will be for God's end time army. God says that this is the generation that will see God's Glory and walk in the power of God's Might and do the greater works!

Copyright 2011, Robin Kirby Gatto