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I pray you come to know the fullness of the Mind of Christ, knowing the thoughts and intentions of the Father’s heart, as you enter a greater revealing of the knowledge of His glory, causing you to know the power of the Kingdom of Heaven! In Jesus’ Name! I pray you come to know the riches of the treasures of Truth hidden in the revealing of Christ Jesus, through the testing of your faith, causing your faith to rise up in greater authority and righteousness, to wage war against the powers of darkness! In Jesus’ Name! I pray you come to know fully God’s love towards you, giving you the gift of Grace all throughout your soul, as you recognize the King of Glory, the LORD strong and Mighty in Battle, THE LORD OF HOSTS! In Jesus’ Name! I pray you are lifted up in God’s mighty strength, and your face is made strong, by the power of Holy Spirit, Who has marked you for the Father, being a chosen and appointed vessel of Glory, as your forehead is made strong so the opinions and stares of others, will not be experienced nor seen by you! In Jesus’ Name! I declare every prison bar of rejection is removed from your soul, as you come to know that you are accepted in the Beloved, knowing the Father’s love towards you, giving you a hope and promise! In Jesus’ Name! GOD BLESS! Robin Kirby-Gatto

Copyright 2011, Robin Kirby Gatto