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God is showing me that many people have gone through warfare because they have been outside of God's rest, and He is calling for His people to labor to enter His rest. God is providing greater strength for the fire you have been through that has refined you and tested you, causing you to be overcome with the issues of your heart, which you were unaware of, as He wroughts forth a greater humility in Christ Jesus!!! I see many that have been humbled as Joseph who endured such assailing by the enemy and went through the fiery troubles, where God purified His Word in Joseph 7 times over, so that God's mercy would be present to save Israel. God is saying that many have been tried like Joseph, so that we would not walk in self-righteousness or pride, but rather we would walk in grace and mercy, as we are a walking mercy seat. God is healing many wounded hearts, as He binds them up with His mighty power and the strength of His love, healing His people of all spiritual dis-ease. The victory that He has promised you is surely coming quickly, as you enter the Land of Promise, the Land of the Living with others on your sides, because they have sought Jesus Christ, Who has been displayed greatly in your life, and as you have followed Christ Jesus, others have seen the brightness of that light in you, a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden! God bless! Robin Kirby Gatto The words and promises of the Lord are pure words, like silver refined in an earthen furnace, purified seven times over. PSALM 12:6 AMP

Copyright 2011, Robin Kirby Gatto