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I hear the Father saying: Recognize Me this hour, as I come in glory, honor, majesty and mighty power. I Am bringing back your sons and daughters, those who have strayed and been given over to the deceptions of the lies of this age. I will deliver them mightily in this hour and have heard your prayers! I will answer you and show you great and mighty things that only I could have done. I will lift you up in a greater strength as I heal you of dis-ease. I am removing the labels of man put on you to cause you great turmoil because you thought I was displeased, you will find out that it was a messenger sent by satan to buffet your flesh, and cause you to be sifted of pride and vanity, in order to be ready for the next move of My Spirit. I am turning your weeping into laughter, your war into dance, and your mourning into gladness, as I turn your season around to a new season, where you enter into the power of My Praise and My promise, knowing the victory that is given to you by My Son. He has overcome the world and all its power, giving you great grace, as this faith race you do run. Do not negate the power of My promise given to you, because you have not seen it yet. Rather be convinced and persuaded fully in your heart as you come to realize the power of My Truth, giving you greater hope, causing you to be still and watch the day of My visitation, the day of My miracle working power and the increase of My strength in My church. I will cause you to enter the land of the Living as your mouth as wide open over the adversary to declare the promise and victory you have been given, as you make a mighty noise of jubilee because of entering the power of My promise that will cause eyes of the nations to be put upon you!!!! You will arise and shine to know the light of My glory has come and risen upon thee, as I cause you to be a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden, where I bring nations to the brightness of your rising. GLORY BE TO GOD! AMEN AND AMEN! GOD BLESS! Robin Kirby Gatto

Copyright 2011, Robin Kirby Gatto